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Source: Bell's Weekly Messenger, No.1828, Sunday, April 10, 1831


Suspected Murder.

On Monday, an inquest was held at St. Luke's workhouse, on the body of John Davy, whose death took place under the following circumstances:—It appeased that the deceased having been bound over as the principal witness against a man named Bergin, who is committed for trial at the present Old Bailey Sessions, had several times complained that he had been treated with violence by the gang to whom Bergin belonged, and said that he considered his life in danger. On Wednesday evening, when he called at the house of a carpenter named Stephens, he was in a most frightful state, his right eye was black, his face considerably swollen, and his throat puffed out nearly as far as his chin. He said he had been served in that manner by some young fellows, who met him at his own door. On Friday he called upon the same person, and said that he had not been out of bed since the Wednesday previous until that day. He received 11s. from Stephens for rent, and then went away. On Saturday morning Stephens called at his house, and was then informed by a woman, named Fitzpatrick, that he was dead. This woman, it appears, lived in the next house to the deceased and they cohabited together. She was intimately acquainted with the family of the Bergins, and it appeared had been visited by some of them shortly before the deceased died. She was in liquor when Stephens called, and endeavoured to conceal some of the money which the deceased had about his person. Suspicion, therefore, attached to her and she was taken into custody. The surgeons who examined the body found the face swollen and puffed; it did not appear that any poison had been administered to the deceased, but they thought he had died of apoplexy; which probably had been produced by violent treatment. The Jury returned a verdict of Wilful Murder against some person or persons unknown. The deceased resided in Old street road. He was 52 years of age, and for many years past has been employed as a collector of rents.