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A highly respectable tradesman, residing at Preston, in Lancashire, has within these few days been thrown into the most poignant grief, in consequence of the wretched fate of his two daughters, both of whom had received a liberal education, and are now of the age of 21. About three years since the two sisters, whose names are Betsey and Dorothy Clayton, absconded from their parental roof, and all endeavours to discover their retreat unhappily proved abortive. About a fortnight since, a relative of the family, named Bostock, who had some years ago retired upon an immense fortune, died possessed of considerable wealth, bequeathing in his will ample property to these unfortunate girls. Mr. Bray, a solicitor of Preston, connected with the firm of Messrs. Walmsley and Co., of Chancery-lane, came off immediately to London, for the purpose, if possible, of discovering their retreat. Bills were printed, and advertisements inserted in several of the London papers, giving a description of them, but all in vain, until a few days ago, when Mr. Bray received a letter from James Gillmor, an officer, informing him that one of the sisters, Dorothy Clayton, had a few sessions since been tried at the Old Bailey, and convicted of a felony, and that the other was a prostitute of the lowest order. Upon an inquiry being made of Mr. Wontner, it was ascertained that the miserable girl had been convicted of robbing a gentleman of his watch and money, and had been sentenced to transportation for 14 years, and had been removed, pursuant to her sentence, on the 4th of December last, and is now on her voyage to New South Wales. The question is, whether the girl, being a convicted felon, can receive the property left her.—Morn. Paper.

SOURCE: Bell's Weekly Messenger, No.1829, Sunday, April 17, 1831.