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Bell's Weekly Messenger, No.1829, Sunday, April 17, 1831.

Forgery and Swindling.

A few days since an application was made at the police-office, Marlborough-street, for a warrant to apprehend a fashionably dressed foreigner on a charge of forgery. A few days previous to the application, the fellow, who called himself Chevalier de Raun????e, and a Captain in the French army (both titles being false) went into the shop of Messrs. Clarke and Co., linen-drapers in Wigmore-street, and purchased a few articles, for which he offered a bill for 92l. 17s., drawn upon the house of Lafitte and Co., and which bore the signature of M. Lafitte. In consequence of one of the partners of the firm being at that period in the French capital, the firm advanced upon the bill the sum of twenty-two pounds, and the fellow was to call in a few days for the difference. In the meanwhile the bill was dispatched to Paris, for the purpose of ascertaining whether it was genuine. Upon its being presented at the house of Lafitte the signature of the ex-minister was pronounced to be a forgery. Upon the above statement being made, a warrant was granted, and Clements was dispatched after the Chevalier who succeeded in tracing him from various places to the White Horse cellar. Finding that no place had been taken for the Continent by any person answering the description of the Captain, it was supposed that he had gone to the Lisbon Hotel. Upon inquiries it was found that he was known there, having left the place suddenly without paying his account; and it was also ascertained that he had beers living in various parts of the kingdom, imposing, by fictitious names and statements, upon innkeepers and tradesmen. At Bristol he had been very successful, for during the inquiry which the officer had been making, writs have arrived in town against the Chevalier. Although every exertion has been made, not the least trace of the retreat of the Chevalier has been discovered, who it is supposed proceeded for the Continent the instant he procured the 22l. of Messrs. Clarke and Co.