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Bell's Weekly Messenger, No.1829, Sunday, April 17, 1831.

Recorder's Report.

On Wednesday, the Recorder made a report to his Majesty of the prisoners under sentence of death in Newgate, convicted at the last February Sessions, viz.:—Matthew Jackson, 23; William Bardell, 16, and Henry Bardell, 10; David Peters, 26; and George Glover, 26; Stephen Bradford, 14; Charles Briggs, 30; John Kelley, 22, and Samuel Ringrose, 26; Isaac Mason, 23; Thomas Keeble, 17, and Joseph Keeble, 12; Gustavus Adolphus Frederick Ellis, 23, William Clifford, 19, and Francis Coy, 19; George Lonsdale, 20, John Howell, 20, Edward Millett, 22, and William Allen, 21, John Thompson, 30—All for house-breaking. Henry Whittenbury, 28—Burglary. Mary Devereux, sen., 48, and Mary Devereux, jun., 17—Coining. Charles Turner, 18, Richard Butterworth, 27, Fred. Wilson, 23, and Thomas Chad, 20—Stealing in dwelling-houses. All of whom his Majesty was graciously pleased to respite during his Royal pleasure, except Gustavus Adolphus Frederick Ellis, who is left for execu- [sic][Editor: Possibly "who is left for execution on Tuesday next".]