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Source: Bell's Weekly Messenger, No.1849, Sunday, September 11, 1831

We have to record a suicide of the most melancholy nature, committed by Mr. W. Lewellyn, of Bloomfield place, Kennington Oval, whose particularly distressing circumstances have excited the universal commiseration of his neighbours. Misfortune had caused his failure in business a few years ago, and had since pursued him with relentless persecution. He retired from a respectable and comfortable station in society, to one of comparative humiliation, and with a constitution worn by anxiety, and broken by ill health, was reduced to subsist on a small life annuity payable to his wife, who died in March last. His son, a fine young man of 20, now devoted himself to the support of his father and sister, till about a month since he fell into a copper of the brewery at Knightsbridge, and was scalded to death. Such a shock almost overpowered the old man; but a few Sundays since his troubles were increased by his daughter communicating, during a visit from her situation, that she was enciente in consequence of her seduction by one of his neighbours; this proved too deeply mortifying to his pride—he became melancholy—when, as if circumstances could never tire in persecuting the ill-fated man, his landlord sent down a distraint upon his goods for rent. He refused an entrance to the brokers, to whom he spoke from the window, telling them that he would not open the door, and desiring they would desist from knocking. They continued their efforts to obtain an entrance the whole of the next day, and on the third day bribed a lad in the neighbourhood to enter by the window; he ascended for that purpose, when he discovered the unfortunate man suspended from the bed-rail, entirely dead. An inquest was held on the body, when the Jury returned a verdict of Hanged himself in a fit of Insanity.