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to the Thirty-sixth Volume of the 
Sunday and Monday Editions of

Bell's Weekly Messenger

For the Year 1831.

N. B. —
"S" stands for Sunday Edition
"M" for Monday Edition.

All foreign Intelligence alphabetically arranged under the letter "F".

For Irish News, see IRELAND. — For Scotch News, see SCOTLAND.


Bank of England, dilemma of the directors in respect to the private deposits, m 85—Number of notes in circulation, s 250, 257—m 117, 252, 260—Sales of Exchequer Bills, s 229—Quarterly court and dividend, s 304—m 308, 328—New gallery erected, mib.

Bankes, Mr., his farewell address to the electors of Dorsetshire, s 164—m 162.

Bankrupt Commissioners, meeting at the London Tavern respecting their removal, s 14—m 11—Saving to the suitors by the new arrangement, s 337—m 340.

Bankruptcy Court Bill, provisions of, s 367—m 370.

Barons of England, their origin and rise, s 205—m 206.

Barristers, number in England, s 45—m 48—Number on circuit, s 107—m 171.

Baptism by immersion, scene on the river Stour, s 145—m 152.

Beer bill, letter of Lord Melbourne to the Duke of Portland respecting, s 114—The Amendment bill, s 267—m 266.

Beer shops, resolution of the magistrates respecting, s 128.

Bell, Dr., noble bequest of, s 189—m 188.

Bibles, dearth and scarcity of, s 257

Bible Society, amount of its income, s 181—m 180.

Billingsgate market, price of fish at, s 34—m 37.

Bills of mortality during the year 1830, s 5.

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES.—The Archb. of Dublin. Dr. Magee, s and m 289—Lord Lyndhurst, s and m 297—Lord Holland, s and m 305—Herbert Marsh, Bishop of Peterborough, s and m 313—Earl Grey, s and m 321—Sir Thomas Denman, s 328—m 329—The Marquis of Lansdown, s and m 336—Sir Charles Wetherell, s and m 361—Dr. Maltby, Bishop of Chichester, s and m 369—Sir Robert Peel, s and m 385—The Archbishop of Canterbury, s and m 393—Lord Mansfield, s and m 401.

Bishop of Bath and Wells, letter of his grace to his clergy, s and m 393.

Bishop and Williams, the murderers, the dissection of their bodies, s 401—m 404.

Blackwood's Magazine, extracts from, or a dialogue between North and Ticklar, s 281—m 282.

Board of Health, new circular respecting the progress of the cholera morbus, s 400.

Bobbin-net trade, state of, s and m 345.

Bonaparte, will of the late Napoleon, s and m 195.

Borough proprietors, list of, s and m 194.

Bourbon, will of the late Duke de, s and m 407.

British colonies, society for educating the poor, s 154—m 155.

British Institution, critique on the exhibition, s 48, 112, 150, 160, 208, 395—m 46, 150, 154.

British Museum, sale of books at, s 377.

British and Foreign School Society, meeting at Exeter hall, s 154—m 155.

British and foreign shipping, parliamentary returns of the number of ships and their tonnage, s and m 136.

Bristol and Liverpool, a new mail established, s 295.

Brougham, Lord, freedom of the city of York presented to, m 115.

Brunswick, antiquity and history of the house of, s 1—m 4.

Bucclench, Duke of, grand fete given by his Grace to their Majesties at Richmond, s 235.

Buckingham palace, critique on, and probable use of, s 37—m 40—Col. Trench's proposed use of, s 235—Report of the committee on the cost of, s 273, 312, 334—m 312, 338.

Burking system, horrible description of, s 374—m 375—Dr. Smith on the difficulty of detecting, s 383.

Butter, quantity imported and consumed, s 292—m 289.