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to the Thirty-sixth Volume of the 
Sunday and Monday Editions of

Bell's Weekly Messenger

For the Year 1831.

N. B. —
"S" stands for Sunday Edition
"M" for Monday Edition.

All foreign Intelligence alphabetically arranged under the letter "F".

For Irish News, see IRELAND. — For Scotch News, see SCOTLAND.


Game Association, meeting at Bury St. Edmunds, s 372. 

Game Laws, particulars of the new bill, s 55, 278, 329 —m 54, 284. 

Garrick's Head, nights at, Dialogue between Young Dangle, Old Buck, and Mr. Shuffleton, s 345, 353, 361, 369, 377, 385, 393, 401, 409—m 344, 353, 361, 369, 377, 385, 393, 401, 409. 

Gazette, proclamation of his Majesty for dissolving the parliament, s and m 133—Proclamation respecting Political Unions, s and m 378. 

Geographical Society meeting, s 368—m 370. 

Gipsey wedding, singular instance at Cranwell, near Sleaford, s 408 m 412. 

Gold and Silver Assaying bill, s 45—m 46—Amount exported, m 128. 

Greatorex. Mr. funeral of the late, s 243. 

Grey, Lord, letter of his Lordship in answer to the York county address, s 367—m 386—Correspondence with Mr. Drummond, 383—m 386. 

Guy's Hospital, extraordinary case of Hoo Loo, the Chinese, s 109, 119, 126—m 111, 120, 126.