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to the Thirty-sixth Volume of the 
Sunday and Monday Editions of

Bell's Weekly Messenger

For the Year 1831.

N. B. —
"S" stands for Sunday Edition
"M" for Monday Edition.

All foreign Intelligence alphabetically arranged under the letter "F".

For Irish News, see IRELAND. — For Scotch News, see SCOTLAND.


National debt, its origin and progress, m 155—The private property of 1500 persons sufficient to pay it off, s and m, 241.

National Political Union, meeting at the Crown and Anchor, s 343, 356, 386—m 346, 356 387?

National School Society, meeting at the school-rooms and at Exeter Hall, s 162—m 163.

Naval and Military Bible Society meeting at Exeter Hall, s 154—m 155.

Naval School, plan for establishing, s 195—m 196—Gift of Dr. Bell, s 220—m 221—Meeting of Marine Officers, m 230.

Nelson, Countess, Funeral of her ladyship, s 157—m 155.

Newspapers, number printed in England, s 5—m 2—New regulations in respect to the duty, s and m 64—Singular mode of correspondence, m 180 Circulation of the London weekly papers, s and m 408.

New Zealand Chiefs, arrival of two, in London, s 195.

Norbury, will of the late Lord, s 258—m 260.

Norfolk, Duke of, Letter of his Grace, in answer to the Sheffield address, to his Majesty, s 343—m 346.

Northcote, will of the late James, Esq. m 260.

Northesk, funeral of the late Admiral, s 185.

Norwich port, the formation of, at Lake Lothing, s 197—m 196.

NOTES OF THE WEEK, on Foreign and colonial News.

On France, Belgium and Holland, Portugal and China, s and m 393—On France, Belgium and Holland, Spain and Poland, s and m 401—On France, Belgium and Holland, Spain, Gibraltar, Portugal, Russia, Turkey, and New South Wales, s and m 409.