to the Thirty-sixth Volume of the
Sunday and Monday Editions of
For the Year 1831.
N. B. — "S" stands for Sunday Edition, — "M" for Monday Edition. All foreign Intelligence alphabetically arranged under the letter "F".
For Irish News, see IRELAND. — For Scotch News, see SCOTLAND.
Pacific, new islands discovered in the, s and m 409.
Paganini, Mr., description of his performance on the violin, s 161—His reception and general performance, s 177, 185, 195, 208—m 168, 178, 187, 195, 207.
Paintings, illusory effect of, s 115—m 117.
Palmer, Mrs., munificent subscription for the relief and employment of the poor, s 120—m 117.
Parliament, candidates for the new, s 131, 141—m 136, 141—Members returned s 149.
PARLIAMENTARY INTELLIGENCE.—House of Commons.—Address of the House in reply to his Majesty's Speech, s 203, 390—m 203, 204, 391.
Anti-reform petition from Carlisle, s 106—From the University of Cambridge, s and m 107, from Dublin, m ib—From Glasgow, s 132.
Apprentices Regulation bill, s 58—m 59.
Army Estimates, s 60, 66, 90, 99, 209—m 61, 67, 91, 99, 210.
Assessed Taxes, petition against, s 42, 82—m 43, 82.
Bankruptcy bill, s 311, 322, 326, 327, 329, 334—m 312, 323, 327, 330, 335.
Barilla Duty Act, debate on, s and m 50.
Beer bill, debate on the new, s 210, 270, 329—m 211, 271, 330.
Belgium, debate on the demolition of the fortresses, s and m 239—Debate on the interference of France with the country, s and m 254, 255, 271.
Bishoprick of Derry, debate on, s and m 290.
Board of Control, reduction of the President's salary, s and m 210—Motion of Mr. S. Wortley, s and m 311.
Breach of privilege, committal of Mr. Jacobs, s and m 77—Proceedings against the Times newspaper, s and m 98.
Buckingham palace and Windsor castle, debate on the expenses of, s 58, 310—m 59, 311, 391.
Budget, the financial Scheme of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and debate thereon, s 51, 58—m 52, 56, 59.
Calico Duties' Repeal bill, s 83, 255—m 84, 255.
Canada Acts, debate on, s and m 60.
Canadian Timber duties, s 90—m 91.
Canine madness, Alderman Wood's bill, s 50, 51, 122, 123—m 51, 53, 123, 124.
Cape wine, steam boats, s 59—m 60.
Cholera morbus, debate on, s 334—m 335.
Civil List, debate on, s 42, 100, 106, 122, 123—m 43, 100, 107, 123, 124.
Clare, disturbance in the county of, s and m 123.
Coal duties, reduction of, s 66, 90—m 67, 91.
Coals, bill to regulate the sale of, s 106—m 107.
Colonial Trade bill, s 83.
Commerce with China, debate on, s and m 210.
Committee of Supply, s 51, 59, 83, 100, 106, 131, 210, 211, 219, 232, 238, 270, 278, 290, 311, 391—m 52, 84, 100, 107, 131, 211, 212, 220, 226, 232, 238, 370, 278, 290, 312, 391.
Consolidated Fund bill, debate on, s 322—m 323.
Corn Laws, debate on, s 204, 239, 271, 294—m 205, 239, 271, 295.
Coronation of his Majesty, debate on the expenses, s 232, 255—m 232, 256—Debate on the time appointed, s 277—Report of the Surveyor-General, s and m 278.
Corporate Funds, debate on, s 59—m 60.
Court of Chancery, motion of Sir E. Sugden, s 226.
Criminal Punishments, debate on, s 90—m 91.
Custom house Acts and Wine Duties, s and m 226.
Customs Duties' bill, s 90—m 91.
Deacle?, Mr. and Mrs., debate on their case, s 233, 269, 294, 330—m 233, 270, 295.
Death, bill for the abolition of the punishment of, s 302.
Deccan prize money, debate on, s 90.
Diplomatic expenses, s 59—m 60.
Duchess of Kent, motion of Mr. Hunt, and debate thereon, s 302—m 303.
East India Charter, debate on, s 43, 124—m 44, 124.
Election Committees, number of, s 2—The decision, in the case of Liverpool, Forfar, and Colchester, s 100—m 101.
Emigration, debate on, s 66—m 67.
Exchequer Court bill (scotland), debate on, s 322—m 323.
Excise Acts, report of the committee, s 59—m 60—Debate on the duties and drawbacks, s 73, 211—m 74 211, 212.
Evesham, debate on the late election, s 59—m 60.
First Fruits in Ireland, debate on, s and m 90.
Foreign Affairs debated, s 58, 247, 255—m 59, 247, 255.
France and England, debate on the Reciprocity Treaty, s and m 263.
Frauds on Creditors' bill, m 53.
French troops, debate on their marching into Belgium, s 247, 263.
Game Laws, debate on, s 50, 51, 59, 254, 311, 334, 391—m 51, 52 59, 254, 312, 335, 391.
Gaol Regulations, debate on, s and m 51.
General Officers on half-pay, s and m 210.
Grimsby election, debate on, s 263, 270—m 263, 271.
Highways, debate on Mr. Portman's motion, s 254—m 255.
Hill, Sir George, debate on the balance due from, s 278.
House and Window Taxes, s 334—m 335.
Imports and Exports, debated on, s 58—m 59.
Imprisonment for debt, motion of Mr. Hume for a return of committals, s 50.
Incendiaries, motion of Mr. Hunt, and debate thereon, s 50—m 51.
Ireland, address of O'Gorman Mahon respecting the Irish parliament, and debate thereon, s 50—Debate on the duties of the Dublin Recorder, s 51—Debate on the distress of the country, s and m—60—Debate on the plan and relief, s and m 107—Affray at Newtonbarry, s 203—m 204—Debate on the importation of arms into the country, s 211—m 212—Debate on the Dublin returned members, Harty and Perrin rejected, s 254,270—m 254, 271—Debate on the state of the country, s 254, 255—m 255—Debate on the Lord Lieutenant's bill, s and m 262—Debate on the disarming of the yeomanry, s 271—m 274.
Irish Reform Bill, debate on, s and m 99, 211.
Irish Tithe System, debate on, s 398—m 399.
Jews, debate on their emancipation, s 123—m 124.
King's printer, motion of Mr. Hume respecting his charges, s 210—m 211.
King William the Fourth, his Majesty's Message to the House, and debate thereon, s 123, 124—m 124.
Labourers' wages, committee to amend the several Acts, s and m, 210.
Labouring poor, debate on their case, s 326—m 327.
Land for the labouring poor, s 59—m 60.
Law Amendments' bill, s 123, 270—m 124, 271.
Liverpool, debate on the corrupt state of, s 131, 177 m 131, 278—Debate on the franchise, s 227—m 230
London Bridge, debate on the safety of, s and m 290.
Lunatics, debate on the treatment of, s and m 67.
Lunatics' bill, debate on, s 310—m 311.
Malt duty, petitions for the repeal of, s and m 51—Motion of Mr. Hunt, and debate thereon, s 327—m 330.
Maynooth College, debate on, s 310—m 311.
Ministers, vote of confidence in, s 326—m 327.
Navy Estimates, s 67, 209—m 67, 210.
Notice of motions and bills before the House, m 53, 61, 85.
Oaths taken in the Customs and Excise, the abolition of, s and m 123.
O'Connell, Mr., explanation of Mr. Stanley on the proceedings taken against him by the Irish government, s 59—m 60.
Ordnance Estimates, s 123, 209—m 124—210.
Outlawry bill, debate on, s 203.
Parliamentary Oaths' bill, s 42—m 43.
Pension List, debate on, s 50, 51—m 51.
Poor Laws in Ireland, debate on Mr. Sadler's motion, s and m 278.
Poor Settlement debated, s 51—m 52.
Postmaster of' Ireland, abolition of the office, s 42—m 43.
Post office, debate on the delivery of letters, s 106—m 107.
Princess Victoria, debate on the King's Message respecting a further provision for, s 246, 278—m 247, 278.
Procession of the working classes to the King, s 326—m 327.
Prorogation of Parliament, s and m 132.
Prosecutions for libels, s 210—m 211.
Public accounts, s 59—m 60.
Public salaries, debate on, s 210—m 211.
Quarantine fees, debate on, s 270, 260—m 271, 290.
Queen Adelaide, provision for her Majesty on the demise of the King, s 229—m 227.
Reform bill, the ministerial plan of, s and m 42—Speech of Lord John Russell on bringing in the bill, and debate thereon, s and m 74, 75, 76, 78—Further debate, s 82, 90, 98—m 82, 91, 98—Division of the house, s 107—m 110—Petition from Essex, s 122—Debate on the details, s 123—m 123, 124—Debate and division on General Gascoyne's amendment, s and m 130—Lord John Russell's speech on the new bill, and debate thereon, s 204—m ib., 205—Debate on the half-yearly rent clause, s 210—m 211—Debate on the second reading, s 217, 218, 219—m 218, 219, 220—Debate on the hearing of council on behalf of the borough of Appleby, s and m 226—Debate on the bill going into committee, s 226, 232—m 227, 232—Debate in the committee, s 226, 227, 228, 232, 233, 239, 246, 247, 254, 255, 262, 263, 270, 271, 278, 290, 294, 302—m 227, 228, 233, 239, 240, 246, 247, 255, 256, 262, 263, 271, 274, 278, 279, 290, 295, 302—Division on the passing of the bill, s 303—m 206—Petitions in favour of it, s 334—m 335—Introduction of the new bill, and debate on the second reading, s 398, 400—m 398, 399, 402.
Registry bill, debate on, s 390—m 391.
Revenue Oaths bill, s 204—m 205.
Rideau canal (Canada), committee to inquire into the expediency of continuing it, s and m 51.
Rothsay Castle steam-boat, debate on the loss of, s 270, 302—m 270, 303.
Rotunda meetings and Mr. O'Connell, debate on, s and m 51.
Russia, debt due to England and Holland, m 239.
Salaries of the ministers, s 106.
Schools of anatomy and cholera, debate on, s 389—m 399.
Scotland Reform bill, s 91, 290, 303, 322—m 91, 290, 303, 323—Exchequer Regulation bill, s 398—m 399
Seamen in the merchants' service, petition to relieve them from a tax towards the support of Greenwich Hospital, s 51.
Select Vestry bill, m 53—Debate on the Mary-le-bone petition, s 294—m 295.
Slavery, motion of Mr. Buxton, and debate thereon, s 106, 124—m 107, 124.
Smuggled silks, s 391, 398—m 391, 399.
Spanish refugees, s 107.
Speaker, the election of, s and m 194.
Spring-guns' bill, s 334—m 305.
Steam-carriages, debate on the injury done to turnpike roads, s 226.
Steam Vessels Regulation bill, s 398—m 399.
Sugar duties, s 90, 99—m 91, 105.
Sugar Refining bill, debate on, s 294, 310—m 294, 311.
Sugden, Sir E., and the borough of Weymouth, s and m 123.
Taxes on knowledge, debate on, s 390—m 391.
Taylor, Rev. Robert, debate on his imprisonment, s 233—m 234.
Timber duties, debate on, s 90—m 91.
Tobacco bill, debate on, s 83—m 84.
Truck system debated, s 122, 294—m 294.
Vestry bill, debate on, s and m 311.
Wages bill, debate on, s 322—m 323.
Waterloo bridge Street bill, s and m 226.
Ways and means, s 59, 290, 322—m 60, 290, 323.
Wellesley, Mr., debate on his commitment, s and m 232—Decision of the Committee of Privileges, s 240—m 241.
West Indies, commercial and financial state of, s 41, 66—m 42, 67.
Whiteboy Acts (Ireland), debate on, s and m 303.
Windsor castle, motion of Mr. Ellis respecting, s 41—m 42—Debate on the expenses, s 310—m 311.
Wine duties, debate on, s and m 99, 247, 270, 290, 294.
House of Lords—Address to his Majesty on the opening of the new parliament, and debate thereon, s 201—m 202.
Agricultural Poor Relief bill, s 209—m 210.
Agricultural population, motion of Earl Winchelsea, s 202—m 203
Anatomy, petition of the surgeons, s and m 390.
Anti-reform petition from Exeter, s 121—m 122.
Appropriation bill, debate on, s 333—m 334.
Bankrupts' court, reform in, s 66, 225, 301—m 67, 226, 302.
Bankruptcy hill, debate on, s 269, 301, 326, 333—m 270, 302, 327, 334.
Bankruptcy lists, s 57—m 58.
Beer Act, number of licenses granted, and debate thereon, s 121—m 122—Motion of the Bishop of Bath and Wells on his presenting a petition, s 202, 238—m 203—Petitions against the bill, s 217—m 218—Debate on the Amendment bill, s and m 262—Debate in committee, s 277, 289—m 278, 290.
Belgium and Prince Leopold, s 225, 238—m 226, 238—Debate on the affairs at the country, s 254, 262, 269, 277, 310—m 254, 262, 270, 278, 310.
Bishops and broken windows, debate on, s 325.
Breach of privilege, complaint of Lord Farnham, s 77—m 80.
Calcraft's Divorce bill, debate of, s and m 241.
Calico Duty Repeal bill, s 81, 89—m 82, 90.
Canadian Lands bill, motion of Lord Goderich, s 73.
Candles Ditty Repeal bill, s and m 262.
Chancery Affidavits bill, s 246.
Chancellor, Lord, and the Horse Guards, s 89—m 90.
Cholera morbus, inquiry respecting the state of, s 209—m 210.
Church benefices, debate on, s and m 238.
Church Building bill, s 57—m 58—Petition of Clerkenwell parish against a fourth church, s 81—m 82
Church Establishment, motion of Lord King, and debate thereon, s 57—m 58.
Civil List, debate on, s 129—m 130.
Coal Duties, debate on, s 41, 58, 254, 333—m 42, 58, 254, 334.
Coal Trade bill, debate on, s 301—m 302.
Coronation, debate on the ceremony to be observed, s 254, 262, 269—m 254, 262, 270.
Court of Chancery, s 41—m 42—Reform in the court, s 65, 73, 89, 97, 329—m 66, 90, 98, 327.
Courts of Equity, bill to amend the practice, s 309 , m 310.
Custom house Oaths bill, debate on, s 225—m 226.
Debtor and Creditor bill, 52, 57, 81—m 3, 58, 82.
Dissolution of parliament, debate on, m 130.
Duchess of Kent, debate on the King's message respecting a further provision for, s 246—m 246, 278,
Ecclesiastical Benefices bill, s 293, 301—m 294, 302.
Ecclesiastical Courts bill, s 271—m 278.
Exchequer Court (Scotland), motion of the Lord Chancellor, s 333—m 334.
Foreign affairs, debate on, s 203, 397—m 203, 398.
Frauds upon Creditors, debate on the third reading of the bill, s 225, 254—m 226, 254.
Funded Property Tax, debate on, s 57.
Game bill, debate on, s 301, 318, 319—m 294, 302.
Greece, debate relating to the boundaries of, s and m 58.
Imprisonment for Debt bill, and debate thereon, s 209—m 210.
Ireland, debate on the Magistracy bill, s and m 203—Debate on the disarming the yeomanry, s 270—Debate on the tithe system, s 397—m 398.
King William IV., his Majesty's Speech on the prorogation of parliament, s and [m?] 132—His Majesty's Speech on the opening of the new parliament, s 201—m 202—His Majesty's answer to the address of the house, s 202—m 203—His Majesty's Speech on the second prorogation of parliament on the rejection of the Reform bill, s and m 334—His Majesty's Speech on the meeting of the second new parliament, and the debate on the proposed address to his Majesty, s 389—m 390.
Labourers' Wages bill, debate on, s 217—m 218.
Lay-Tithe Commutation bill, s 231—m 232.
Lenox, Lord, debate on his lordship's Divorce bill, s 77—m 80.
Limitation Statute, debate on, s 89—m 90.
Lord Chancellor, debate on his lordship's absence, s 309—m 310.
Lords Lieutenants of Counties bill, debate on, s 217—m 218—Report of the committee, s 225—m 226—The royal assent, s 269—m 270.
Lunatics bill, s 73, 269, 309—m 74, 270, 310.
Militia Bill passed, s and m 262.
Plunkett, Lord, libel on his lordship, s 202—m 203.
Pluralities of Benefices bill, s 277—278.
Political Unions, debate on, s and m 390.
Poor Employment bill, m 327.
Population returns, s 97.
Portugal, debate on the affairs of, s 65, 246, 289, 293, 301—m 66, 246, 290, 294.
Prescription Limitation bill, s 293—m 294.
Prince Leopold's income, his Royal Highness's letter to Earl Grey, s 231—m 232.
Privilege, breach of, s89—m 90.
Prorogation of parliament, s and m 132.
Public excitement, opinion of Lord Brougham respecting, s and m 326.
Queen Adelaide, debate on her Majesty's proposed dower, s 238—m 238, 241—Her Majesty's appearance in the house, s and m 246.
Reform bill, debate on several petitions in favour of, s 41, 58, 73, 81, 97, 106, 121, 129—m 42, 58, 74, 82, 98, 122—Debate on the ministerial plan before the House of Commons, s 105—m 106—Petitions presented by Lord Londonderry against, s 209—m 210—Debate on a petition presented by Lord Radnor, s 293—The bill brought up from the Commons, and read afirst time, s 301—m 302, 305—Debate on the second reading, s 317, 318, 322—m 318, 319, 322, 323—Petitions from Inverness and Deptford in favour of, s and m 326.
Select Vestries' bill, debate on, s 333—m 334.
Spring Guns and Man Traps, debate on Lord Melbourne's bill, s 293, 301—m 294, 334.
Sub-letting Act Repeal bill, s 90, 122, 277—m 90, 122, 278.
Sugar Duties bill, debate on, s and m 106.
Swan River Settlement, debate on, s 73—m 74.
Taxes, debate on the new, s 57—m 58.
Times newspaper, debate on a breach of privilege, s 129.
Tithe Composition bill, s 205, 225, 231, 262—m 208, 226, 232,
Tithes, petition for a commutation, and debate thereon, s 49—m 50—Debate on a petition from a parish near Exeter, s 106.
Trower's Divorce bill, s 209.
Truck System bill, s 217, 238—m 218, 238.
Wellesley Mr., debate on his case, s 231—m 282.
Wine Duties bill, debate on, s 310, 318—m 311.
Parliamentary papers, production of, s 169—m 173.
PARLIAMENTARY REFORM.—County meeting at Reading, at Manchester, at Bodmin, at Cambridge and at Knaresborough, s and m 26—Motions in the house of Commons on the subject of reform during the last fifty years, s 26—m .27—Meetings at Rochester and Bedford, s 29—Meetings at Bristol and Northampton, m 29—Meetings at St. Andrew's, Holborn, at Covent Garden, and at Lewes, Sussex, s and m 38—Meetings at Lincolnshire, at Reading, and at Cripplegate, s 45—m 48—Meeting at St. Pancras, s 53—Petitions in favour of reform from all parts of the country, s 69—m 72—Meeting at Devizes, m ib—Meeting at the Crown and Anchor, Strand, s and m 80—Meeting of the ward of Bishopsgate, m ib—Analysis of the debate upon the bill, s 81—m .86—Particulars of the bill, s and m 93—Surrey and Essex county meetings, m 93—Meeting of the London merchants and bankers at the Mansion house, and of the county of Kent at Maidstone, s 101—m .102—Votes on the several divisions on the bill, s and m 102—Letter of Sir John Seabright on the subject, s 114—m 115—Sussex county meeting, s 116—m 114—County of Warwick meeting, m 120—Majority and minority on General Gascoyne's amendment, s and m 134—Meeting at Edmonton, s and m 172—Meeting at Birmingham and Bridgewater, s 173—The Bishop of London at the vestry meeting at St. Luke's, s 181—m 179—Dinner at Southwark, at Chelmsford, at Saffron Walden, at Trueman and Hanbury's brewhouse, and at Chatham, s and m 186—Meeting at the Guildhall Coffee house, and at Bethnal Green, s 247—Essex county meeting, m 392.
Patriotic Fund, meeting at the Crown and Anchor, and subscription of the printers at Mr. Clowes's, Stamford street, Blackfriars' road, s 141—m 139.
Pauper Lunatic Asylum, meeting of the magistrates, s 29 m 32.
Peel, Sir Robert, his election dinner at Tamworth, s 165—m 162.
Peerage, description of the English, s 384—m 385.
Peers, creation of new s 288 308—m 288, 297
Pension list reprinted, s and m 408.
Phenomenon extraordinary in the heavens, s and m 401.
Pilgrims' Friend Society, Anniversary of, s 154—m 155.
Pilots on the Thames, number holding licenses, s 257—m 260.
Piracy, destruction of the brig Maria, and the murder of her crew on the coast of Africa, s 338—m 337.
Pitt Club, Anniversary of, m 173—Erection of a statue memory in Hanover square, s 264, 281—m 268, 282.
Poachers, fatal affray in Seeker Wood, m 12, 22—s 21—Extraordinary scene in Northumberland, s 265—Fatal affray at Stratfieldsaye and Turgis, m 396—Fatal affray at Thornbury Park (George Webb killed), s 407—m 410.
Police, dress of the new city, s 70.
POLICE EXAMINATIONS.—Thomas Clements, for forgery, Samuel Davis for robbing the Jews' synagogue, and Susan Burchett and Joseph Proctor for murder, s 3—m 8—Dialogue of M'Craw with Mr. White, the magistrate, s 3—Palmer for machine breaking, s 2—m 8—H. E. Kearney, Esq. for threatening the chairman of the East India Company, Committal of Davis and Simmons for robbing the Jews' synagogue, dialogue of Paddy Hart with the magistrate, Ruth Jones and Mrs. Green respecting a child, James Jenkins for fraud, and William Eve for robbery, s 11—m .14—Norris, an officer, for conniving at a robbery, Swing at Bow street, a gang of dog stealers, William Varrel for stealing fish at Billingsgate, William Marks for theft, William Clarke for shooting at Mrs. Gulliver, the Rev. William Wakeley for fraud, singular case of a young lady stealing a muff, and Michael Quinlan for robbery, s and m 19—Johu[sic] Alexander (Swing), Madame Vestris's leg, Richard Barton the dog-stealer, Mr. Moore of Croydon duped by two sharpers in the Borough, and Joseph Wheeler for breaking machines, s 37—m .30—Don Bevan, a boy, for embezzlement, eight boys for gambling, John Proctor for theft, George Lilly for forgery, James Jenkins for swindling, case of a young woman swindled in church by her lover at the intended time of their marriage, charge against Schofield and Goddard (officers) and four magistrates, Charles Turner for theft, Mr. James Stewart claimed by a lady as her husband, Mary Sullivan and William Tatt for theft, Daniel Frost for robbery, and Donovan for fraud, s and m 35—Spagnell and Mr. Short for a fracas on 'Change, s and m 36—An attorney for unlawfully pawning, Isidora Maddox for fraud, S. Ringrose and John Kelly for burglary, and Mary Ann Dran for bigamy, s 46—Committal of Swing in the person of a clergyman, s and m 54—Haddock, Pearce, and others, a gang of receivers, Flannagan and Kearsley for robbery, committal of a gang for robbing Mr. Chambers of Maddox street, a respectable upholster for robbery, Mr. Marden of Walworth for robbery, and the case of Province and Jackson, two dog stealers, s 62—Daniel Taylor for fraud, s 67—m 72—Mrs. Cannon and her two sons for stealing a magpie and books, s 70—m 68—T. B. Reynard, a Frenchman, for robbery, John Broach for robbery, John Jones, Mary M'Mahon, and Catherine Collins, for robbery, an officer in the army for indecency, R. Flanagan and Joseph Spragg, a lady and her artificial teeth, and Samuel Thacker and John Dewar for leaving their ship, s 91—m 94—Christopher Scott for fraud, s ib—John Seward for robbery, s ib—m 93—Thomas Hewitt, master of the Irene, for cruelty to his crew, s 94—m 96—Committal of Pearce and his wife for robbery in Phoenix alley, Thomas M'Gill for bigamy, Elizabeth Flucher for theft, Edward Edwards for a fraud on charity, Sarah Jane Cooke for bigamy, Widget for sheep-stealing, and John Shirley for theft at Dulwich, s 104—m 102—John Higgons, a coal merchant, for fraud, Joseph Taylor and John Bishop for body-snatching, Joseph Stevens for fraud, James Watson for robbery, and Mr. Bowry for shooting at Mr. Chapman, s 110—Committal of Boswell for arson at the Greenwich theatre, s 114—m .118—Case of a female and a merchant, s and m 118—Case of David Sutherland, a wanderer, born on the field of Waterloo at the time of the battle, and John Jones, a lad five years old, for stealing a pair of boots, s ib—Thomas John Potten for stealing a painting, Elizabeth Flint for robbery, Harriet Elton for attempting suicide, and James Walton for fraud, s and m ib.—Samuel Dexter for matricide, m 118, l42—s 144—Chevalier de Raunville for forgery, s 126, 142—m 126, 146—Mary Aubrey for maiming Mr. Saunders, and David Wood for stabbing a policeman, s 128—John Crone for stabbing a policeman, s 134—m 135—Smith for forging stamps, m 136—James Pearson, a lad, for robbing a letter, Joseph Spencer for robbery in Farringdon street, and John Brown for maiming James Lightfoot, s 142—G. Bailey, W. Joy, and Gilbert Rutton, for a conspiracy, the illuminations, or claims on the hundred of Ossulston, s 146—m 147—Thomas Norrington for robbery, and Atwick, Thomas, and Williams, for robbery s 146—Mrs. Squires for destroying a bill of Exchange, s ib—m 147—Solomon Smeed for an assault on a child, William Davidson for fraud, and William Penny for theft, s 147—James Deering for robbery, and Elizabeth Hobbs for robbery, s and m ib—C. Robinson and F. Payne for house breaking, s 155—Henry Stracy for fraud, a gang of rioters at Shepherd's Bush, John Harrison for an assault on Mrs. Shrewsbury, and William Healy for forgery, s 155—m 160—R. Sweetman for fraud, William Young for burglary, William Bennett and Sarah Carol for robbery, Myers, a Jew rag merchant, for an assault on a child, Charles Egan for stealing a watch from his sweetheart, John Bourne, a lad, for stabbing, and H. Lee, second officer of an East Indiaman, for an assault, s 763—m 168.—M. and S. Hutchins and Sarah Ramsay for an assault, s 163—Heath, a chimney sweep, for an assault, William Cox, a boy, for delivering a letter from a gang of thieves, William Vincent and William Richmond for burglary, Sarah Cole, for robbery and murder, Hoffman, a broker, for extortion, Ann Hyde for robbery, and James Stevens and William Doig for assault, s and m 171—William Petman for robbery, Thomas Clifford for fraud, and Backler for forgery, s ib—Robert Hunt forpoisoning horses, s 171, 179—m .182—Duncan Macpherson for fraud, John Connor, a lad, for drowning another lad while bathing, Joseph Blacker for forgery, Whetherall, an apprentice, for neglect, James Pink, a boy, for robbing his father, and Elizabeth Craddock for robbery, s 179—m 182—The hon. Mr. Parker for felony, Joseph Staff for an illegal seizure, and J. F. W. Hutchinson for fraud, s 187—Hannah Barber for theft, James Waters for robbery, and singular case of Elizabeth White and a sailor, s and m 198—Edward English for poisoning, and a young female for attempting suicide, s 198—Martin Shuisser, a Frenchman, for an attempt to murder Mr. L. H. Marche, a gentleman, for obtruding himself at the queen's drawing room, and Wheatley for a fraud on a pawnbroker, s and m 206—George Whybrowe for robbery, s 206—William Davis to account for the disappearance of Mr. Mathews, s 206, 214, 222—m 206, 214, 224—Hetherington for fraud on the government—s 206, 216, 236, 242—m 206, 214, 236, 242—Fenton for forgery, s 208—m .206—Mr. Travel for an assault, s 214—Thomas Hanahan for murder, and Charles Pearce for returning from transportation, s and m 230—The Rev. Robert Taylor for attempting to assassinate the governor of Horsemonger lane prison, s 236, 243—m .236—Mrs. E. Betsworth, of Teddington, for fraud on the post office, s and m 236—Mrs. Emma Giles and her husband, a distressing tale of conjugal misery, s 242—m 243—Joseph Lill for robbery at Mr. Butterworth's, and R. Tucker and C. Bennell for swindling, s and m 242—J. W. Livesay for forgery, s 244—m 242—B. Alexander, Maria Brown, and Mary Bower, for robbery at Mr. Butterworth's, and Margaret Rice for the disappearance of Mr. Henry Smith, s 250—m .252—Several persons for refusing to be billetted, H. C. Seymour for robbery, and Madden, Bolton, and Sheppard, for murder, s ib—Sir E. Sugden and Mr. Loveday, Edward Hancock and Charles Little, for selling unstamped newspapers, Thomas White, a Sussex farmer, for murder, and Kennedy, Quin, and Dunworth, for robbery, s and m 258—Fry and his wife for cruelty to their child, Sir John Nicholson, Bart. for an assault, s 258—J. G. B. Gill for painting a lady, 266—James Robinson for robbery, and Buck for an attempt to murder, s and m ib—Sarah Hunt, a nurse, for cruelty to a pauper, s 274—James Gully and Henry Settree for fraud, s 274 m 276—Captain Watt for causing the death of Mr. Simpson in a scuffle, s 275—Elizabeth Holder for arson, and James Vinning for robbery, s 278—Commitment of Holloway and Kennard for the murder of his wife, s and m 282—Henry Mason for forgery, s 288 m 292—Two boys for administering oil of vitriol, s 300—John Sydney Gower and William Rowland for conspiracy, s 306, 311—m 305—Mary Evans for killing cats, s 306—C. W. Bosworth for fraud, James Reeves for murder, and Sarah Robinson for robbery, s 311—Mr. Palmer, a solicitor, for forcing letters from the possession of Mr. Roberts, s 323—Harriet Garford for attempting to poison, s 332—m 328—The right hon. Sir E. Thornton and his lady for cruelty to their child, s 328—m 334—W. J. H. English for fraud, Jas. Butler for robbery, and Richard Turpin for the murder of his child, s 335—m 334—John Morgan and his wife, or a specimen of conjugal felicity, theatricals extraordinary, William M'Bain for robbery, John Corbett and his wife for robbery, John William Butcher for robbery, and Sarah Stevens, for robbery,s and m 343—Skinner, an informer, at Reading, s 347—m 348—Wm. Parrott for an attempt to murder his wife, s 348—m 343—Application of Mrs. Grew and her daughter respecting an orphan girl, m .343—Mrs. Hookey and her daughter clothes, s 351—m .355—John Williams for robbery, and Jones, Frayner, and Seymour, for fraud, s 351—Gibson, Hall, Lacey, Lewis, and R. Benjamin for stealing plate s 353—m 356—May, Bishop, Williams, and Shields, for murder, s 358, 365, 373—m 356, 358, 372, 373—Heath for killing his father, s 357—m 359—R. Bonner and C. Willsden, two resurrectionists, s 359—m ib—Mr. Lewis Flanagan for exciting to riot, and Olivia Lucas for robbery, s 359—m 362—J. N. Waters for arson, s 366, 375—m 366, 378—Mr. James Green for robbery, s 366, 385—m 366, 386—Mr. Bower's statement respecting tri-coloured flags, s 368—Henry Cleasby for uttering, the Hon. Charles Kemp for fraud, Louisa Collier for robbery, and Mr. M'Donnell for exciting to riot, s 370—Jones, Prideaux, and Tucker, for robbery, Elizabeth Lovel for robbery and the disappearance of Mr. Thomas Jones, s and m 370—Edward Cook and Elizabeth Ross for the murder of Mrs. Walsh, s 370, 375, 394, 407—m 370, 378, 396, 410—George Wright and T. Atkinson for robbery, s 374—m 378—Interesting case of two orphans, and Martin for robbery and attempt at suicide, s 374—Two Italian lads and their monkeys, s 375—John Jones for robbery, and John Longford, a clergyman's son, for burglary, s 375—m 378—William Fuller, a ship's steward, and William Manning, a seaman, for robbery, and J. M. Newson and J. Wright, two lads, for attempting to poison, s 375—J. and R. Cuthbertson, and three others, for an outrage and robbery on a young woman, and James Gardner, a supposed burkite, m 378—Apprehension of Mrs. Williams for the murder of Francis Pigborn, and confession of Shields, s 383—m 386—Apprehension of five persons for robbery at the Post Office, s 392—m 395—George Wylie for robbery, s 394 m 396 —Discovery of a human hand near Burton crescent, and Glasborough for robbery, s ib—James Bryant on suspicion of murder, s ib—m 404—George Bradley, Sarah Bradley, Sarah Skinner, and Louisa Coventon, for burking, m 392—John Barratt and William Kay for the Post Office robbery, s 404—m 400—Henry Darley for robbing a letter, s 404, 406—m 410—Bridget Calkin for murder, s 404—Edward Trude for burglary, dialogue between a self-styled knight (or a copper captain) and Mr. Conant the magistrate, and Selina Turner and Sarah Newby, for attempting to burke Bridget Calkin, a burkite, s 406—m ib—Ann Williams, James Peake, and John Savin, for robbery, the Rev Samuel Bradshaw for cruelty to his wife, James Hartland for swindling, Robert Hughes and Elizabeth Westley for attempting. to destroy themselves, Joseph Price for robbery, and Mary Bennett for attempting to murder her mother, s 407—m 410.
Political Unions, how they are illegal, s 376—m 380.
Polish independence, meeting at the Crown and Anchor, s 88—m 86.
Polish names, how to pronounce them, s 199—m 197.
POLITICS OF EUROPE.—Domestic state of the country, s 1—m 2—Representation of the people, s 9—m 10—Foreign relations, Bank and East India charters, s 17—m 18—Ireland and O'Connell, s 25—m .26—The national debt, s 33—m .34—Hostile appearances on the continent, symptoms of commencing war in Belgium, s 41—m 42—Lord John Russell's motion for reform, s 49—m 50—The new taxes, s 57—m 58—New taxes, Canada timber duties, s 65—m 66—Debates on parliamentary reform, s 73—m .74—First reading of the Reform bill, and projected alteration in its details, s 81, 89—m 82, 90—Continental affairs, s 97—m 98—Ministerial embarrassments, s 105—m .106—Of the candidates to represent the people in a reformed parliament, s 113—m 114—Projected alterations in the Reform bill, s 121—m 122 Dissolution of parliament, s 129—m 130—The general election, s l37—m 138—That the cause of reform does not require, the exaction of unconstitutional pledges, s 145—m 146—The reform, as respects county elections, s 153—m 154—On the effects to be produced by reform on taxation, and the national expenditure, s 161—m 162—National expenditure, and colonial representation, s 169—m .170—General distress of the times, s 177—m .118—The meeting of parliament, s 185—m .186—The new budget, s 193—m 194—Opening of parliament, and the Royal Speech, s 201—m 202—Agitated state of the continent, s 209—m 210—Prosecutions for blasphemy and libels, s 217—m 218—Lord Wynford's new Debtor and Creditor bill, s 225—m 226—Proceedings in the House of Lords, tithe system, s 231—m .232—Opening and proceedings in the French Chambers, s 237—m 238—Forgotten pledges, s 245—m 246—War in the Netherlands, s 253—m 254 —Progress of the Reform bill, s 26l—m 262—State of the question as to the operation of the new Beer bill, s 269—m 270—Petitions against the inhabited House tax, s 277—m 278—Civil and moral effects of the coronation, s 285—m 286—The Archbishop of Canterbury's bill, the church reforms, s 293—m 294—New legislative enactment against the incendiary system, s 301—m 302—Distress and difficulties in general trade, and the causes explained, s 309—m 310—Lord Althorp's financial exposition, s 317—m 318—Conduct of his Majesty's ministers in the present crisis of the Reform bill, s 326—m 326—Colonel Torrens's motion for the repeal of taxes on wages and the produce of labour, s 333—m 334—The continent, Russian aggrandisement, s 341—m .342—Dangerous effects to be apprehended from the meeting of the working classes and Political Unions s 349—m 350—The re-assembling of parliament, s 357—m 358—The cholera at Sunderland, s 365—m 366—The compromise, s 373—m .374—The schools of surgery, and the burking system, s 381—m 382—The King's Speech on the meeting of parliament, s 389—m 390—The new Reform bill, s 397—m 398—State of our trade and commerce, s 405—m 406.
Poor, wretched state of, at Aylesbury, s 410—m 412.
Poor-laws, resolution of the parliamentary committee, s 169—m .176—Preamble of the bill for the relief of, s 268—m 266.
Pope's villa, royal fete at, s 193.
Population of the country, s 166, 190, 242, 316—m 167, 192.
Portman market, the opening of, s 408—m 5, 412.
Portugal, amount of British goods exported to, s and m 373.
Post office, new regulations at, s 13—m .16—Extension of its limits, s 109, 116, 187—m 109, 119—When first
established, s and m 508.
Prayers to be read in churches, s 3, 352—m 6, 352.
Premiers, list of, from the commencement of George III. s 295—m ib.
Press, the opinion of contemporary papers on the Reform bill, s and m 133—Spirit of the daily papers, s 140, 147, 153, 172, 224, 320—m 140, 147, 157, 164, 172, 223, 320.
Prince, Leopold, his Royal Highness's departure from England, s and m 229.
Princes of Wales, record of the lives and actions of all their Royal Highnesses, s 154.
Printers' Pension Society, anniversary of, s 173, 181—m 180.
Printing parliamentary bills, expense of, s 125—m 124.
Prior, William, the bankrupt, statement of his effects, s 407.
Prison discipline, meeting of the society at Exeter hall, s 181—m 180.
Propagation of the gospel in foreign parts, meeting of the society, s and m 214.
Public houses and new beer houses, number of, in the kingdom, s and m 64.
Public officers, reduction of salaries, s 65, 77, 201—m 48, 71, 80, 208.
Pugilism, Ned Neal, and Dutch Sam, s 30—Ward and Simon Byrne, s and m 230—Richard Dodd and James Cox, fatal to the former, s 276—m 275—George Worsaldine and his brother, fatal to the former, s 278—Shenston and Connor, fatal to the former, s 305—m 307—Sampson and Brown, s 308—m .ib—Willmott and Gibbs, fatal to the former, s 346.