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to the Thirty-sixth Volume of the 
Sunday and Monday Editions of

Bell's Weekly Messenger

For the Year 1831.

N. B. —
"S" stands for Sunday Edition
"M" for Monday Edition.

All foreign Intelligence alphabetically arranged under the letter "F".

For Irish News, see IRELAND. — For Scotch News, see SCOTLAND.


Unitarian Association, meeting at Finsbury chapel, s 174—m 175.

Unknown tongues, a specimen hymn, s 398—m 404.


Vaccination, report of the society, s 169.

Van Dieman's Land, meeting of the agricultural company, s 92—m 96—Number of emigrants, s 145—m 152.

Vauxhall bridge, meeting of the proprietors, s 145—m 152.

Vestry bill, provisions of the new, s 352, 361—m 361, 369.

Vintners' Company and the Lord Mayor, an extraordinary scene between, s 367—m 362.

Votes, reduced price of, s 151—m 152—Two thousand pounds refused by a burgess, s 156—m 157.

Voyage of discovery, return of the Chanticleer, s 167 m 163.


Waste lands, number of bills passed for the inclosure of, s 165—m 170.

Water, plans for supplying the metropolis with pure filtered, s 111, 181.

Waterloo bridge, meeting of the proprietors, s 182. Amount of toll taken in one day, s 257.

Ways and Means, amount of surplus in the Exchequer, s 212—m 216.

Wedding cake extraordinary, m 176.

West India merchants, meeting at the Thatched-house Tavern, s 68—m 72.

Westminster, the anniversary election dinner, s 173 m 172.

Westminster Bible Society, meeting at Exeter hall, s and m 408.

Westminster hall, affray between two clerks, and the penalty due to the offense, s and m 174.

Westminster Palace, description of, s 264.

Westminster Political Union, s and m 356.

Weymouth, burning cliff at, s 21, 38—24, 38

Whale, one landed at Brighton, s 13—m 16—Description of one caught at Berwick, s 336.

Wharncliffe, Lord, address of the Yorkshire yeomanry cavalry to his lordship, s 357—m 328, 337, 348.

Whitehall chapel, cost of repairing, s 212.

Wigram, Sir Robert, will of the late, s 56.

Wild, Mrs., gift of the ladies of Newark to, s 145 m 152.

Wilks, the late Mr., singular coincidence of the number 45 compared with the letters of his name and offices, m 117.

Wilson, Sir Robert, his rank in the army restored, s 177—m 179.

Wilts, Samuel, Esq., will of the late, s and m 265.

Wine, (Sherry) number of butts imported, m 56.

Wine duties, meeting of merchants at the Commercial Sale Rooms, s 197—m 197—Report of the house of Commons, s and m 232—Petition for an equalization, s and m 273.

Witness's expenses, new arrangement respecting the payment of, s 30, 43.

Wool trade, present state of, s and m 345.

Working classes, meeting in Portman market, s and m 229.

Wyndham, Colonel, loyal bequest of, s 139—m 144.


York Castle, cost of the repairs, s 125—m 128.

Yorke, Sir Joseph, will of the late, s and m 195.

Yorkshire Society, anniversary of, s 191.


Zodaical light, letter of Mr. Herapath respecting, s 18—m 20.