SOURCE: Boyle's View of London, and its Environs; 1799
Asylum, St. George's fields
Asylum for Deaf and Dumb Children, Grange road, Bermondsey
Bethlam Hospital, Moorfields
Bridewell do. Bridge street, Blackfriars
Charter house, or Sutton Hospital, Charter House square
Chelsea, Royal Hospital, Chelsea
Christ's Hospital, Newgate street
Dispensary (General) Aldersgate street
Dispensary (St. James's) Berwick st. Soho
Dispensary (Public) Carey street, Lincoln's fields
Dispensary (Westminster,) Gerrard street, Soho
Dispensary (Middlesex) Great Prescot street
Dispensary (Western) Charles st. Westmin.
Dispensary (Royal Universal) Featherstone Buildings, Holborn
Dispensary (Mary le bone) Wells street, Oxford Road
Dispensary (Surry) Union street, Southw.
Dispensary (London) Primrose st. Bishopsg.
Dispensary (Finsbury) Clerkenwell
Dispensary do. St. John street, Clerkenwell
Dispensary (Infant Poor) Soho square
Dispensary (Eastern) Whitechapel
Dispensary (City) Bevis Marks, St. Mary axe
Dispensary for pregnant woman, G. Ayliffe st.
Duke's Hospital, Pimlico
Emanuel Hospital, Tothill fields
Foot Guards do. St. James Park
Foundling Hospital, Lamb's conduit street
French Hospital, near Old street square
Greenwich Royal Hospital, Greenwich
Gresham college over the Royal Exchange
Guy's Hospital, Southwark
Haberdasher's Hospital, Hoxton
Jews Hospital, Lemon st. Goodman's fields
Institution (Benevolent) for Married Women at their own Habitations, Crown & Anchor Tavern, Strand
Lock Hospital, Grosvenor place
London do. Whitechapel road
London Lying in and Inoculation Charity?, the Committee at the Paul's head Tavern, Cateaton street
Lying in Hospital, City Road
Lying in do. (City of London) City Road, for Married Women
Lying in do. (British) Brownlow street, for Married Women
Lying in do. (New) Westminster, Surry side of Westminster bridge
Lying in do. Charity for delivering Poor Married Women at their own Homes, Mill's Coffee house
Lying in Hospital, St. George's, Bays water, Collector, Mr. Brennan, Poland street
Middlesex do. Charles street, Berner's street
Middlesex Dispensary, Houndsditch
Misericordia do. Great Ayliff street, Goodman's fields
Pregnant Women the same
Portoguese (Jews) Hospital Mile end road
Quakers do. St. John street road
St. Bartholomew's do. West Smithfield
St. George's do. Hyde Park Corner
St. George's do. Old Gravel lane
St. James's Infirmary, Poland street
St. Luke's Hospital, Old street
St. Mary le bone Infirmary, New road, Mary le bone
St. Thomas's do. High street, Borough
Universal Medical Institution, for the Tower Hamlets, Ratcliffe highway
Westminster Infirmary, James st. Westminst.
Westminster Hospital, No. 4 Abingdon st.
SOURCE: Boyle's View of London, and its Environs; 1799. London, Printed and Sold by P. BOYLE, At his Court and City Guide Printing Office, Norris Street, Haymarket, and may be had of Richardson, under the Royal Exchange; Lee & Hurst, Paternoster Row, and all the principle Booksellers in the Kingdom.