Bear Quay, Lower Thames street
Bear ditto, (New) ditto
Brewers ditto, ditto
Brown's ditto, apping (sic) street
Chester's ditto, Lower Thames street
Custom house ditto, ditto
Cox's ditto, ditto
Dice ditto, Lower Thames street
Galley ditto, ditto
Hammond's ditto, ditto
Lyon's ditto, ditto
Porter's ditto, ditto
Pig's ditto, Walter street, Bridge street
Ralph's ditto, ditto
Sab's ditto, ditto
Smart's ditto
Sommer's ditto, ditto
Wigan's ditto
Young's ditto, ditto
SOURCE: Boyle's View of London, and its Environs; 1799. London, Printed and Sold by P. BOYLE, At his Court and City Guide Printing Office, Norris Street, Haymarket, and may be had of Richardson, under the Royal Exchange; Lee & Hurst, Paternoster Row, and all the principle Booksellers in the Kingdom.