Eagle and child alley, Shoe lane
Eagle and child court, Fore street, Lambeth
Eagle and child yard, Broad St. Giles's (sic)
Eagleton's buildings, Paridise st. Marybone
Eagle court, Strand
Eagle court, St. John's st. West Smithfield
Eagle's court, Drury lane
Eagle's court, Earl street
Eagle's court, Little Newport street
Eagle street, Piccadilly
Eagle street, Plumbtree street
Eagle street, Red lion street, Holborn
Eagle place, Mile end
Earl's passage, Earl street, Seven dials
Earl's court, near Brompton
Earl street, Blackfriars
Earl street, Great & Little, Seven dials
Earl street, St. George's fields
East cheap, Great & Little Fish street hill
East hill, Wandsworth
East lane, Greenwich
East street, Bethnal green
Earl court, Spitalfields market
East harding street, Shoe lane
East lane, Rotherhithe wall
East lane stairs, Bermondsey
East's rents, Bermondsey street
East place, Vauxhall road
East street, ditto
East street, Manchester square
East street, Walworth
East street, Red lion square
East street, Spitalfields market
East Smithfield, Tower hill
East Smithfield, Double passage, ditto
Eaton lane, Pimlico
Eaton street, Pimlico, Upper and Lower
Ebury place, Chelsea
Ebbgate lane, Thames street
Ebenezer place, St. George's fields
Eccles yard, Minories
Eden court, Shoe lane
Edlin's gate, Tooley street
Edgware road, Oxford street
Edmund's court, Prince's street, Soho
Edmond's Place, Union st. St. George's fi.
Edward's court, Oxendon street
Edward (sic) lane Stoke Newington
Edward's rents, Islington
Edward street, Portman square
Edward street, Blackfriars road
Edward street, Church street, Bethnal green
Edward's street, Berwick street
Edward's street, Hare street, Spitalfields
Eele's yard, Minories
Egglinsgate way, Tooley street
Elbow lane, Dowgate lane
Elbow lane, New Gravel
Elder lane, Upper Mill bank
Elder walk, Islington
Elder street, Norton Falgate
Elephant court, Whitechapel
Elephant lane stairs, Rotherhithe wall
Elizabeth court, Whitecross street
Elizabeth street, Han's place
Elizabeth place, Lambeth Butts
Elizabeth place, Westminster
Elkin's row, Bayswater
Elliott's row, St. George's fields
Elliott's court, Old Bailey
Elliott' rents, Stepney causeway
Ellman's street, Long acre
Elim place, Fetter lane
Elm court, Walworth
Elm court, Middle Temple
Elm row, Sun tavern fields
Elm street and court, Gray's inn lane
Ely court and place, Holborn
Ely place, St. George's fields
Ely place, New Road, St. George's East
Elysian row, Fulham
Emm's yard, Broad street, Ratcliffe
Emperor's head lane, Thames street
Engine street, Hyde park
England row, Poplar
Epping place, Whitechapel road
Essex court, Middle Temple
Essex court, Whitefriars
Essex street and court, Whitechapel
Essex street (Little) Strand
Essex street and Stairs, do.
Essex place, (sic) Lambeth butts
Essex street, Whitechapel
Essex street, Charlotte st. St. George's East
Essex street, Kingsland road
Evangelist's court, Blackfriars
Evan's court, Basinghall street
Evan's rents, Grub street
Eve place, Rotherhithe
Evelyn's buildings, Oxford street
Everad's place, Church lane, Whitechapel
Every row, Lower Brook street
Evesham buildings, Sommers town
Evesham buildings, (Upper) do
Eunuch court, Goodman's yard
Ewer street, Park street
Ewing's buildings, Mile end road
Exchange alley, Cornhill
Exchange alley, Exeter change
Exchange dock, Wapping
Exeter street and court, Catharine street
Exeter place, Han's place
Exeter street, Sloane street
SOURCE: Boyle's View of London, and its Environs; 1799. London, Printed and Sold by P. BOYLE, At his Court and City Guide Printing Office, Norris Street, Haymarket, and may be had of Richardson, under the Royal Exchange; Lee & Hurst, Paternoster Row, and all the principle Booksellers in the Kingdom.