Gad's row, Islington
Gainsford street, Horsleydown
Gale's row, Church street, Greenwich
Gang lane, ditto
Gant's alley, Rotherhithe
Gap yard, Stepney
Garden court, Stangate street, Lambeth
Garden court, Camberwell
Garden court, Baldwin's gardens
Garden court, Bishopsgate church yard
Garden court, Clement's inn
Garden court, Furnival's inn
Garden court, Lincoln's inn
Garden court, Middle Temple
Garden court, Petticoat lane
Garden court, Serjeant's inn
Garden court, Sion college
Garden court, Staple's inn
Garden court, Star street
Garden court, Thavies' inn
Garden court, Warwick court, Holborn
Garden place, Newington butts
Garden walk, Willow walk, Finsbury
Garden street, (Great) Whitechapel
Garden row, Stockwell
Garden row, Camberwell
Garden row, St. George's fields
Garden row, Jews row, Chelsea
Garden row, Inner Temple
Garden row, Tower street, Islington
Garden row, Unicorn alley, Shoreditch
Gardiner's court, King street, Westminster
Gardiner's ground, Collingwood street
Gardiner's buildings, Kensington
Gardiner's lane, High Timber street
Gardiner's lane, King street, Westminster
Gardiner's lane, Maiden lane
Gardiner's lane, Neathouse lane
Gardiner's lane, Petty france, Westminster
Gardiner's lane, Willow street
Gardiner's row, Chelsea
Garland alley, Bishopsgate street
Garland court, Ocean street, Stepney
Garland court, Trinity lane
Garlick hill, Thames street
Garmouth row, Kent road
Garrat street, Cock lane, Shoreditch
Garrat, near Wandsworth
Garrat's rents, Coleman street
Garter court, Barbican
Garter yard, Ratcliffe
Gate street, Lincoln' inn fields
Geneva row, Edgeware road
Gentee passage, Nibb's pound
George and vulture alley, Cornhill
George alley, Broadway, Deptford
George alley, Aldgate within
George alley, Bishopsgate street
George alley, Borough
George alley, Coleman street
George alley, Field lane
George alley, York buildings
George alley, Hollis street, Clare market
George alley, King Tudor street
George alley, Lombard street
George alley, Lower Shadwell
George alley, St. Margaret's hill
George alley, New George street, Spitalfi.
George alley, Rotherhithe
George alley, Saffron hill
George alley, Shoe lane
George alley, Stoney street
George alley, Thames street
George alley, Turnmill street
George court, Bennet's hill
George court, Coleman street
George court, East Smithfield
George court, David street, Marybone
George court, George street, Mint
George court, Gravel lane
George court, Hatton wall
George court, St. John's lane
George court, Shoe lane
George court, Little St. Thomas Apostle
George court, Knight rider street
George court, Red lion street, Clerkenwell
George court, Piccadilly
George court, Strand
George court, Newington turnpike
George court, Prince's street, Spitalfields
George court, Sea coal lane
George lane, Botoloph lane
George row, City road
George row, Rotherhithe
George stairs, Deptford
George stairs, Shad Thames
George street, Great & Little, Spitalfields
George street, Foster lane
George street, Hanover square
George street, Great & Little, Westminster
George street, Little Chapel street
George street, Mint
George street, Blackfriars road
George street, Bethnal green
George street, Tottenham court
George st. (Little) King st. Portman sq.
George street, Lincoln's inn fields
George street, Oxford street
George street, Pall mall
George street, Ratcliffe highway
George street, Shoreditch
George street, White row, Spitalfields
George street, Upper & Lower, Sloane sq.
George street, Tower hill
George street, Upper Marybone street
George yard, Hay market
George yard, Beer lane, Tower street
George yard, Bow lane
George yard, Bishopsgate street
George yard, Cable street
George yard, Oxford street
George yard, Dorset gardens, Fleet street
George yard, Duke street, Grosvenor sq.
George yard, Ford street, Lambeth
George yard, Golden lane
George yard, High Holborn
George yard, Craven street, Strand
George yard, Islington
George yard, Kent street
George yard, Little Britain
George yard, Little Tower hill
George yard, Lombard street
George yard, Long acre
George yard, Old street
George yard, Plough yard, Broadway
George yard, Redcross street, Southwark
George yard, Saffron hill
George yard, Sea coal lane
George yard, Shoreditch
George yard, Snow hill
George yard, Thames street
George yard, Tower hill
George yard, Turnmill street
George yard, Whitechapel
George inn yard, Borough
George's buildings, Whitechapel
George's buildings, Rosemary lane
German's yard, Shoreditch
Gerrard's court, Little Bell alley
Gerrard street, Soho
Gibbon street, Deptford
Gibraltar walk, Bethnal green
Gibraltar row, Deptford
Gibraltar row, St. George's fields
Gibraltar place, ditto
Gibson's court, Marybone lane
Gibson's court, Narrow wall
Gil street, Old street square
Gilbert's buildings, St. George's fields
Gilbert's court, ditto
Gilbert's court, Monkwell street
Gilbert's passage, Clare market
Gilbert's street, Bloomsbury
Gilham's court, Rotherhithe wall
Gilham's rents, Dock head
Gill's yard, South street, South Audley st.
Giltspur street, Newgate street
Gingerbread alley, Holywell street
Gingerbread alley, Old 'Change
Gingerbread court, Bishopsgate street
Glassenbury court, Rose street, Covent gar.
Glasshouse alley, Whitefriars
Glasshouse fields, Cock hill
Glasshouse hill, Wells street
Glasshouse street, Swallow street
Glasshouse street, Vauxhall walk
Glasshouse court, ditto
Glasshouse yard, Blackfriars
Glasshouse yard, Goodman's fields
Glasshouse yard, Old Barge stairs
Glasshouse yard, Old Bedlam
Glasshouse yard, Pickaxe street
Glasshouse yard, Redmaid lane
Glasshouse yard, Ratcliffe street
Glasshouse yard, Upper ground
Glasshouse yard, Well street
Glasshouse yard, Whitefriars
Glasshouse yard, White's yard
Glasshouse yard, Willow street
Glass yard, Cut throat lane
Glazier's rents, Limehouse
Glean alley, Tooley street
Globe alley, Deadman's place
Globe alley, Fish street hill
Globe alley, Narrow street, Limehouse
Globe alley, Quaker street
Globe alley, Strand
Globe alley, Wapping
Globe court, Seven stars alley
Globe court, Blackwall
Globe court, Shire lane
Globe court, Shoe lane
Globe island, Rotherhithe
Globe lane, Mile end road
Globe row, Broadway, Deptford
Globe stairs, and stairs alley, Rotherhithe
Globe street, Bethnal green
Globe street, Wapping
Globe yard, Old Bedlam
Globe yard, School house lane, Ratcliffe
Globe yard, New Fish street hill
Globe yard, Wapping
Gloucester buildings, Walworth
Gloucester place, Vauxhall walk
Gloucester place, Camden town
Gloucester place, New road, Marybone
Gloucester place, Portman square
Gloucester court, Beer lane
Gloucester court, Blackfriars
Gloucester court, St. James's street
Gloucester court, Whitecross street
Gloucester street, Liquorpond street
Gloucester street, Queen square
Gloucester street, Beech lane
Gloucester street, New road, St. George's c.
Gloucester street, New Road, Marybone
Gloucester street, Hoxton
Gloucester terrace, New road, St. George's c.
Gloucester terrace, Hoxton
Gloucester row, do.
Gloucester row, Walworth
Gloucester row, Holywell mount
Gloucester mews, King street, Portman square
Glover's court yard, Beech lane
Goat alley, St. Catharine's lane
Goat alley, Ludgate hill
Goat alley, Upper Ground
Goat alley, Whitecross street
Goat's yard, Free school street
Goat's yard, Maze, Tooley street
Goat's yard, Whitecross street
Goat inn yard, St. Margaret's hill
Goatham alley, Shoreditch
Goat's head alley, Skinner street
Goat stairs, Bankside
Goat yard passage, Horsleydown
Gobb's alley, Great Eagle street
Goddard's rents, Holywell street
Goddard's rents, Wheeler street
Godliman street, Carter lane
Godliman street, St. Paul's chain
Godfrey's court, Milk street
Godwill stairs, Limehouse
Godwin's court, Oxford street
Gold hill, Shadwell
Goldby's rents, Golden lane
Gold anchor alley, Old street
Golden ball court, Great Wild street
Golden cross court, Cateaton street
Golden key court, Basinghall
Golden key court, Fore street
Golden lane, Barbican
Golden leg court, Cheapside
Golden lion alley, Long ditch, Westminster
Golden lion court, Aldersgate street
Golden lion court, St. George's Southw.
Golden square, St. James's
Golden street, New Gravel lane
Golden street, Wood street
Golden fleece yard, Tothill street
Gold lock lane, Shepherd's bush, Acton rd.
Gold's hill, Dean street
Goldsmith's alley, Jewin street
Goldsmith's alley, Lewkner's lane
Goldsmith's place, Hackney road
Goldsmith's court, New street
Goldsmith's rents, East Smithfield
Goldsmith's street, Crucifix lane
Goldsmith's street, Fetter lane
Goldsmith's street, Wood street, Cheapside
Golston's court, Drury lane
Gonson's rents, Bluegate fields
Goodchild alley, Market street, Westminster
Goodge street, Tottenham court road
Goodman's fields, Whitechapel
Goodman's yard, and rents, Minories
Goodwin's court, Oxford street
Goodwin's court, St. Martin's lane
Goodwin's court, Noble street
Goodyear's rents, Wapping
Goold's hill, Shadwell
Goose green, Peckham
Goose alley, Bow church yard, Cheapside
Goose alley, Fleet ditch
Goose tree yard, Peter street, Westminster
Gore lane, Kensington gore
Goslin's rents, Chiswell street
Gossip's rents, Tooley street
Goswell place, Goswell street
Goswell street, Aldersgate street
Gough square, Fleet street
Gough's yard, Back street, Lambeth
Gould's court, Woodroffe lane
Goulston square, Whitechapel
Goulston street, do.
Gower street, (Up. & Low.) Bedford square
Gower's walk, Church lane, Whitechapel
Gower's mew's, Gower street
Grace court, Fenchurch street
Grafton buildings, Long lane
Grace's alley, Wellclose square
Grafton street, Soho
Grafton street, Old Bond street
Grafton court, Paradise street, Marybone
Grafton mews, Warren st. Tottenham c. r,
Grange, Bermondsey
Grange court, Cary street
Grange lane, Bermondsey
Grange road, do.
Grange street, Red lion street, Holborn
Grange walk, Bermondsey
Grange yard, Bermondsey fields
Granger's rents, Barbican
Grape street, Little Moorfields
Grape's place, Kentish town
Gracechurch street, Fish street hill
Grasshopper alley, Fore street
Grasshopper alley, Whitecross street
Grasshopper court, Charterhouse street
Gravel lane, and court, Southwark
Gravel lane, Old and New, Wapping
Gravel lane, Houndsditch
Gravel pits, Kensington
Gravel street, Brook street, Holborn
Gravel walk, Blue anchor alley,
Gravel walk, Collingwood street
Gray's buildings, Kingsland road
Gray's buildings, Duke street, Manchester sq.
Gray eagle street, Brick lane
Gray friars, Newgate street
Gray pea alley, Redmaid lane
Gray's inn lane, Great and Little, Holborn
Gray's inn passage, Red lion street, ditto
Gray street, Blackfriars road
Gray's walk, Lambeth
Great garden, St. Catherine's street
Greave's court, George yard, Whitechapel
Greek street, Soho square
Green, Bermondsey
Green, Deptford
Green alley, Broad sanctuary
Green alley, Coleman street, Wapping
Green arbour court, French alley
Green arbour court, Thames street
Green arbour court, Little Moorfields
Green arbour court, Old Bailey
Green bank, Horsleydown
Green bank, Wapping
Green bank, St. Olave street
Green court, Green bank, Wapping
Green court, Knave's acre
Green court, Little Minories
Green court, Marshall street, Shoreditch
Green dragon alley, Narrow st. Limehouse
Green dragon alley, Surrey street, Strand
Green dragon alley, Wapping wall
Green dragon court, Broadway, Westminst.
Green dragon court, Cow lane
Green dragon court, Foul lane
Green dragon court, Old 'Change
Green dragon horse ride, Montague street
Green dragon yard, Long lane
Green dragon yard, West Smithfield
Green dragon yard, Whitechapel
Green elm court, Savoy
Greenfield street, Whitechapel
Greenhill's rents, Smithfield bars
Greenland street, Camden town
Greenland place, ditto
Green lane, Lambeth
Green lettice court, Fore street, Crippleg.
Green lettice lane, Cannon street
Green park, St. James's
Green cloth court, ditto
Green court, Blackfriars road
Green's court, Little Pultney street
Green's court, Lothbury
Green's row, Chelsea
Green's rents, Bride lane
Green school court, London wall
Green man row, Bethnal green
Green man's lane, Islington
Green street, Grosvenor square
Green street, Islington
Green street, Leicester fields
Green street, and place, Bethnal green
Green street, Theobald's road
Green street, Kentish town
Green lane, Greenwich
Green walk, Broadwall
Green walk, Blackfriars road
Green walk, Gravel lane
Greenwich alley, Brick hill lane
Greenwich road, London street, Greenwich
Greenwich street, Dowgate wharf
Greenwood's court, Nightingale lane
Green yard, Basinghall postern
Green yard, East Smithfield
Green yard, Goswell street
Green yard, Green bank, Wapping
Green yard, Horsleydown
Green yard, Milk yard, New Gravel lane
Green yard, Pepper alley
Green yard, Tooley street
Green yard, Upper Ground
Green yard, Islington road
Green yard, (City) Whitecross street
Green yard, White's yard, Rosemary lane
Gregory's place, St. John street
Gregory's court, High Holborn
Greg's court, Goodman's yard
Grenville street, Upper Guildford street
Grenville street, Leather lane
Gresse street, Rathbone place
Greyhound alley, St. Mary axe
Greyhound court, Aldersgate street
Greyhound court, St. Catharine's lane
Greyhound court, Chick lane
Greyhound court, Lamb street
Greyhound court, Milford lane
Greyhound court, Moor street, Soho
Greyhound lane, and street, Whitechapel
Greyhound yard, Portpool lane
Greyhound yard, Upper Ground, Southwark
Grey's buildings, Kingsland alley
Grey's yard, Duke street, Piccadilly
Gridiron alley, Blackman street
Gridiron alley, Whitechapel
Gridiron court, High Holborn
Griffin alley, Blackman street
Griffin street, Shadwell
Griffin yard, Long lane, West Smithfield
Griffin's rents, Bermondsey street
Gripey alley, Artichoke lane
Grocer's alley, Poultry
Grocer's alley, Shoreditch
Grocer's hall yard, Poultry
Grocer's rents, East Smithfield
Grooms hill, Greenwich
Grosvenor markets, Davis street
Grosvenor mews, Grosvenor place
Grosvenor place, Up. and Low. Hyde park
Grosvenor square, Oxford street
Grosvenor street, Horseferry, Westminster
Grosvenor street, Up. & Low. Grosvenor sq.
Grosvenor street, Chelsea
Grotto, Paddington street, Marybone
Grove, Mile end
Grove, Hackney
Grove, Clapham common
Grove, Camberwell
Grove lane, do.
Grove house, do.
Grove place, Kentish town
Grove place, Whitechapel road
Grove place, Deptford
Grove street, do.
Grove street, Hackney
Grub street, Fore street
Grub street, Market street, Westminster
Gruss rents, Whitechapel
Guildhall alley, Basinghall street
Guildhall, and yard, King street, Cheapside
Guildhall yard, King street, Westminster
Guildford street, Upper and Low. Foundling h.
Guildford place, do.
Guildford mews, do.
Guildford street, Great and Little, Southwark
Gully hole, Tooley street
Gully hole alley, Wheeler street
Gummery's alley, Dorset street
Gun alley, Bermondsey street
Gun alley, Little Moorfields
Gun alley, St. John street, West Smithfield
Gun alley, Wapping
Gun alley, Well street
Gun court, Petticoat lane
Gun house stairs, Vauxhall
Gun lane, Three colt street
Gun powder alley, Poor Jewry lane
Gun powder alley, Shoe lane
Gun street, Artillery lane
Gun yard, Bishopsgate without
Gun yard, Houndsditch
Gun yard, Maiden lane, Southwark
Gun yard, Pepper alley
Gun yard, Petticoat lane
Gun yard, Rosemary lane
Gun yard, Sugar loaf alley, Moor lane
Gun yard, Tower ditch
Gunnersbury lane, Brentford
Gut lane, Poplar
Gutter lane, Cheapside
Guttridge's rents, Houndsditch
Gutridge's rents, Whitechapel
Guy of Warwick court, Upper ground
Guy's court, Playhouse passage, Drury lane
Guy's yard, Vinegar yard, ditto
Gwynn's buildings, City road
SOURCE: Boyle's View of London, and its Environs; 1799. London, Printed and Sold by P. BOYLE, At his Court and City Guide Printing Office, Norris Street, Haymarket, and may be had of Richardson, under the Royal Exchange; Lee & Hurst, Paternoster Row, and all the principle Booksellers in the Kingdom.