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Australian Merino Rams.---Mr. Driver, of Castlereagh-street, Sydney, who has lately advertised his rams for sale, we are glad to say obtains a rapid sale for these animals. He has at this moment, 350 ewes running at the Orphan School estate of 14,000 acres; and they are considered, by good judges of fine wooled sheep, far to surpass any that are imported.--- This choice flock springs from His late Majesty's own flock, the late Mrs.. Marr having brought from England on the Surry, in 1820, two fine Merino rams from Windsor Park. We have seen the official documents concerning this brace of animals, and really they occasioned as much trouble to get clear of the Custom-house gentry, as some people were put to when they wished to escape the Colony in days of yore. These rams are certainly worthy of the settler's attention; and Mr. Driver is entitled to the highest praise from his countrymen (the Australians) for the example which, even in this solitary instance, is afforded.

Source: SYDNEY GAZETTE, and New South Wales Advertiser. Published by Authority. VOLUME XXIII. THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1825, NUMBER 1130.