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It is officially notified that the State apartments of Windsor Castle will be open to the public on and after Monday next.

The capital already subscribed for Mr. A. M. Kavanagh's Irish Land Corporation scheme amounts to £274,000.

Aboyne Castle, Aberdeenshire, the seat of the Marquis of Huntly, has been let to the Earl of Dudley for three months.

A donation of £105 has been made by Lloyd's towards the fund for the establishment of a Royal College of Music.

The Council of the Society of Arts have elected Dr. C. W. Siemens, F.R.S., as their Chairman for the ensuing year.

Dr. John Chiene, Edinburgh, has been elected to the Chair of Surgery in Edinburgh University, in the room of the late Professor Spence.

Mr. John Arthur Godley has been appointed a Commissioner of Inland Revenue, in the room of Mr. Alfred Montgomery, resigned.

At Tuesday's meeting of the Wesleyan Conference at Leeds the Rev. C. Garrett was elected President, and Mr. Robert Newton Young was chosen secretary.

On Tuesday the annual meeting of the friends of the Asylum for Fatherless Children was held at the City Terminus Hotel. There are 300 children in the asylum.

Mr. T. Spencer Wells, surgeon to the Queen's Household, has been elected President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, in the place of Sir Erasmus Wilson, whose terse of office has expired.

At all influential county meeting which was held at Shrewsbury on Tuesday resolutions were passed inviting the Royal Agricultural Society to hold their show in 1884 in Shrewsbury. Subscription-lists were opened.

It has been decided by the City Commissioners of Sewers to proceed no further in the use of the electric light until Parliament has decided on the general principle on which electric lighting will be permitted.

The Lord Mayor, who is a member of the Court of the Merchant Taylors' Company, entertained the whole of the boys of Merchant Taylors' School, nearly 600 in number, at the Mansion house on Monday.

At Bow-street on Monday the case against Thomas Walsh, arrested at Clerkenwell, whence he had been sending arms to Ireland, was completed, and Sir James Ingham committed him for trial on the charge of treason-felony.

There were 2483 births and 1,347 deaths registered in London last week. Allowing for increase of population, the births were 77, and the deaths 226, below the average numbers in the corresponding week of the last ten years.

The annual meeting of the Society for the Abolition of Vivisection was held yesterday week at Willis's Rooms, when the year's report was adopted, and a resolution to continue the work of the society till vivisection was abolished was passed.

Mr. Carl Haag has been elected an honorary member, and Messrs. Fred. Barnard, Edward F. Brewtnall, John Charlton, A.H. Marsh, John Scott, J. D. Watson, T. J. Watson, and R C. Woodville have been elected members of the Society of British Artists.

Lord Wenlock has returned 10 per cent of the last half-year's rents to the tenants on his Yorkshire estates; and his Lordship, it is stated, has intimated his willingness to grant fresh agreements, whereby outgoing tenants will receive liberal compensation for unexhausted improvements.

The annual meeting of the Commons Preservation Society was held on Tuesday at the residence of the president, Lord Mount-Temple, who referred at some length to the work which the society had done daring the past six years. A resolution inviting pecuniary aid for the society was agreed to.

A new volume of the "Classified Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain," by Mr. Vincent, the librarian, is now ready; it includes the most important works published during the last twenty-five year; placed under their respective heads, accompanied by a synopsis and indexes of authors and subjects.

Mr. C. N. P. Phipps, M.P., has issued an address to the electors of Westbury stating that he will not seek re-election; and Baron De Ferrieres has written to the Mayer of Cheltenham, as Chairman of the Liberal Hundred, announcing that it is not his intention at the close of the present Parliament to seek re-election.

Source: The Illustrated London News, No.2255—Vol. LXXXI, Saturday, July 22, 1882, p.87