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Old School Customs

Lastly, amongst the numerous customs associated with Christ's Hospital, may be noticed the "Supping in Public." This ceremony formerly took place in they dining-hall, on the seven Sunday evenings preceding Easter Sunday, and on the evening of that day, but it has been altered to Thursday evening. The supper consisted of cheese in wooden bowls, beer in wooden piggins, and bread brought in huge baskets. At the present day supper consists of bread and butter and milk. After supper an anthem is sung, and the "bowing round " begins. On Easter Tuesday the boys visit the Mansion House, and receive from the Lord Mayor their Easter gifts. To the fifteen Grecians a guinea is given, and to the nine probationers half a guinea, to the forty-eight Monitors half a crown, and to the ordinary scholars a shilling. Each boy also receives a glass of wine and two buns. One of the privileges of the "Mathemats," as they are called, is their annual presentation at Court, when they exhibit their maps and charts to the Sovereign, and receive gold pencil-cases or similar gifts.

Source: The Illustrated London News, No.2256—Vol. LXXXI, Saturday, July 29, 1882, p.122