"Family Tree Magazine", the first national UK genealogy magazine, was founded by Michael Armstrong in 1984, and since then has been the inspiration of other such publications. The web site is very easy to navigate and it is also very enjoyable to peruse. This web site is much more than just a simple way to subscribe to the Family Tree Magazine, or the latest magazine offered by ABM Publishing Ltd, "Practical Family Magazine".
The most current issues of both magazines are summarized so that those interested in subscribing to the magazine, but have not yet made a final decision, can become familiar with its contents and layout. In addition to the subscription services offered on the Family Tree Magazine web site, the web site includes a link to a section called Resources. Clicking on this link takes the visitor to a "Snippets" section which is filled with interesting stories that have been submitted for inclusion in the magazines, but for whatever reason did not actually end up in one of the magazines. The publishers hope to one day turn this collection of Snippets into an archive database. The Resources area is also used for expending on articles which have appeared in previous issues of the magazines. The two follow-up pieces at the time of this review were actually submitted to the web site by magazine readers. One was a collection of photos or more accurately, mug shots, which were taken by the Metropolitan Police of those individuals who were known to be habitual drunkards. The other follow-up had to do with an article that appeared in an April issue. The issue asked readers to help identify some of the names that are listed on the Albion Brewery Memorial, a memorial to some of those who served in World War I. Readers wrote in and provided more information regarding the names of some of these individuals.
The Family Tree Magazine web site also offers a secure On Line Shop, which includes a neatly categorized and comprehensive list of additional publications that the visitor is able to purchase through the web site. The publications are neatly organized into various categories making it easy for those interested to narrow in on the appropriate category, and each listing includes the price of the publication, a product code and the weight. As the visitor shops online, it is easy to view the contents of the shopping basket and checkout is simple.
There is a section that currently contains approximately forty links which have been extracted from the Computer Intelligence section. The links open separate windows so that once viewed and closed, the visitor is returned to the Family Tree Magazine web site. The web site also includes a search engine that users can use to search through Volumes one through fifteen of the Family History Magazine.
The web site includes the physical address of the publisher and contact information. Visitors are invited to come to the ABM Publishing's physical location during normal business hours where they can view and take notes on the more than 200 reference books and publications they have available on the subject of family history.
Visiting this site was a wonderful experience. The site is so well thought out and executed that there are no weaknesses to report.