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Mattresses, Bedsteads, Furniture

(Advertisement, 1831.)

City of LONDON Noted Cheap BED FEATHER MANUFACTORY and FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, 48, Skinner Street, Snow Hill, next to the Church.—The proprietor having on hand a large Stock of prime genuine dressed Feathers, Ready-made Ticks, Mattresses, Bedsteads with or without Furnitures, Blankets, and Counterpanes; also an assortment of Cabinet Goods—he offers them to the Public at very reduced prices. Several four-post Bedsteads, fitted out with handsome Hangings, to be sold a great bargain.
N.B.—Ready-made Ticks sold at Prime Cost to purchasers of Feathers, who may see them filled from the Store-rooms.

Source: Bell's Weekly Messenger, No.1819, Sunday, February 6, 1831.