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[Universal Suffrage]

, has never yet been permitted to form a part of the political code of any people or country. Property being a great temptation, acting most violently upon the bad passions of men who have NONE, requires it to be invariably guarded by the possession of political power. To give the franchise, therefore, without reference to property, would be to give political power to those who are under the strongest temptations to abuse it. To say that Universal Suffrage would overturn the balance of the Constitution, or to say that it would destroy the Crown, the Church, and the Aristocracy, is not to express one-tenth part of the evils which would flow from it. It would render all kinds of possession insecure; it would unfetter every evil passion, and demoralise the whole population. A more fearful and flagitious revolution could not take place than by introducing such a principle than any Reform Bill.

Source: Bell's Weekly Messenger, No.1819, Sunday, February 6, 1831.