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Source: Bell's Weekly Messenger, No.1821, Sunday, February 20, 1831


Hughes's Pick's Cordial

Hughes's Pick's Cordial, for Horses, Sheep, Calves, &c. Sanctioned by the Experience of nearly Half a Century, approved and patronised by the Right Hon. Earl Winchelsea, Right Hon. Lord Sheffield, Right Hon. Lord Somerville, John Blackburn, Esq. M.P.

And other Noble and distinguished Members of the Board of Agriculture, by most respectable and opulent Graziers and Farmers, and encouraged by an extensive sale.

Mr. Hughes, with confidence, submits his Cattle Cordial to the public, as the only infallible cure for Gripes, Scouring Complaints, Fever, Cough, Staling of Blood, Raging, and Sleeping Staggers of Horses and other Cattle, and a speedy, safe, and efficacious Restorative for Ewes after Lambing, and the only certain preventive of Mortification. It is prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, Mr. Hughes, and, by his appointment, sold wholesale and retail by Mr. Edwards, 67, St. Paul's Church Yard; also, retail, by every vendor of patent Medicines in the United Kingdom. Price 2s. 9d. the small--large bottles, 7s. 6d. which contain four times the quantity. Largest size 10s. containing seven times the quantity.

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