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The Society of the Festival of the Sons of the Clergy

The Society of the Festival of the Sons of the Clergy. Established 1655, was virtually the basis of the preceding charitable corporation (The Clergy Orphan and Widow Corporation). It consists in an annual assemblage of the highest authorities in church and state, when divine service is held, and a sermon preached under the dome of the cathedral church of St. Paul. With a view to facilitate their distribution amongst the objects of the charity, the contributions at this Festival are placed at the disposal of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy; and are accordingly devoted to the apprenticing of the sons and daughters of necessitous clergymen in situations of credit and respectability, and to such other analogous purposes as the committee may from time to time approve. The stewards of the festival contribute a sum of not less than 30 guineas towards the expenses of the festival, and are subsequently elected governors of the corporation. The full amount of the collections and subscriptions thus goes directly in aid of the objects of the charity, the expenses being entirely defrayed by the stewards' fees.

SOURCE: The Charities of London, by Samuel Low, Jun., London: Sampson Low, Son,
and Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill. 1861.