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Governesses' Benevolent Institution

Governesses' Benevolent Institution, established 1843, incorporated 1848, for affording temporary assistance to governesses in distress; granting annuities to aged governesses; and to afford a home for governesses during the intervals between their engagements, on their paying a small sum weekly for board and lodging. An asylum for aged governesses in connection with the above.

The following forms a brief summary of the report of the entire for the past year—1 annuitant at £18; 80 at £20; one at £22; 14 at £25; 3 at £30; 1 at £32; 1 at £100. There are 21 inmates of the asylum, and 1,110 provident annuitants. The governesses for whom savings' banks accounts are kept are 451; assisted in difficulty, 489; received into the house, 211; provided with engagements without charge, 810; free pupils edited at Queen's College, 16; loans, 10; provident advances, 14; making a total of 3,240. The number assisted in periods of temporary difficulty during the year has been 409, with an amount of £1,318. The amount invested by governesses in provident annuities, to the close of 1860, is £199,058.

The Home has received 211 inmates during the year: 81 have found engagements while awaiting vacancies. The Registration has provided 810 ladies with engagements without expense, from a registration of 1,425. Each gift of £200 to the aged asylum will enable the building fund to add rooms for two additional inmates.

The college is separately incorporated by charter in 1853. Income of the "Benevolent Institution," from all sources, £33,248 : 7.

President, the Earl of Harrowby.—Treasurer, B. B. Cabbell, Esq.—Secretary, Charles W. Klugh, Esq.—Collector, Mr. W. H. Chaplin. Office, 32 Sackville Street.—Home and Registration Office, 66 Harley Street.—Asylum, Kentish Town.

SOURCE: The Charities of London, by Samuel Low, Jun., London: Sampson Low, Son,
and Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill. 1861.