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The Ladies Institution for Females of Weak Intellect

The Ladies Institution for Females of Weak Intellect, Zion House, Turnham Green, Chiswick, established in 1855. This institution has been the means of relieving many families from the care and anxiety necessarily attendant on the charge of one of weak intellect. A weekly payment is required for each inmate, varying according to her circumstances, from 2s. 6d. To £1. All are usefully occupied according to their abilities. The institution is open for public inspection every Monday and Tuesday from 12 till 4 o'clock. Income about £800.

Secretary, Ms Faithful.—Office, 9, Great Coram Street.

SOURCE: The Charities of London, by Samuel Low, Jun., London: Sampson Low, Son,
and Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill. 1861.