Source: The Illustrated London News, Sept. 18, 1869
The ball given by the Maharajah of Jeypore to their Excellencies the Viceroy and Lady Mayo took place on the 6th ult., in the Assembly Rooms at Simla, which were most gorgeously decorated for the occasion. The stage was turned into a dais for the Viceregal party, and was fitted up with large mirrors, lounges, and rich carpeting. The supper-room was draped in pink and white, and covers were laid for some hundreds. The band of the 41st Foot Regiment and also the Viceroy's, were in attendance, the former playing the dance music.
At half past nine the ball opened; and, notwithstanding the heavy downpour of rain, thousands of iron braziers illuminated the two miles of road between the viceregal Peterhoff and the Assembly Rooms. Shortly after ten, Lord and Lady Mayo, with a strong personal staff, arrived, and were received by a guard of honour, the bands, his Highness the Maharajah and suite, and the political agent at Jeypore. His Highness led the Viceroy to the throne-chair on the dais, where his Lordship remained standing for some minutes to view the brilliant scene around him. Notwithstanding that the company included 200 gentlemen, there were not a dozen black coats to be seen. The Viceroy wore the full dress of a Lord Lieutenant of a county; the members of Council, secretaries, and political agents, official uniforms of blue and gold. His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, who, with Lady Mansfield, had arrived some time before the viceregal party, was in full military costume, with broad blue ribbon, star, and medals. There were a number of Major-Generals present in the full dress of their rank. There were also Highlanders in kilts, and officers of almost every corps in uniform. The ladies were splendidly attired in gold, blue, scarlet, and silver, and wore magnificent jewels. In the leading double quadrille the Maharajah had the honour of having the Countess of Mayo for partner, their vis-a-vis being Lord Mayo and Lady Mansfield. His Highness had been for fully a week previously under terpsichorean instruction, and acquitted himself remarkably well, though somewhat stiffly. All the other "sets" broke up, and grouped themselves around the leading set, but, notwithstanding this, his Highness put on his white kids without the slightest hurry. His Highness walked through the figure very slowly, but with profound attention, and the whole of the five figures were got through without any mistake.
At hall-past twelve the strains of "The Roast Beef of Old England" summoned the company to supper, which was served up in excellent style.
After supper, Lord and Lady Mayo retired with the same honours as on arrival, the Maharajah escorting their Highnesses to the outer threshold. The dancing was kept up till half-past four, the Maharajah staying to see the last man off.
The ball is said to have cost 20,000 rupees, and it is reported that the Rajah of Puttiala and the Rewan are determined not to be outdone, but intend to follow Jeypore's example on a still more magnificent scale.