Source: The Illustrated London News, June 29, 1861, p.617
As considerable curiosity has been expressed regarding the movements of Mr. Paulsen since his arrival in Europe, the following letter of his to a friend will not be without interest to the amateurs of chess :—
"Since my arrival here on the 12th of December I have neither done anything important in chess, nor heard any interesting news; and have not even yet determined when I shall go to Berlin and Breslau to challenge Anderssen, Lange, and Suhle. As soon as I make up my mind when and where I shall commence operations I will inform you, and, at the conclusion of some matches, send you some games. All my little chess doings while here are ten blindfold games played simultaneously at Hamelu, of which I won nine and lost one, after six hours' play: and eight blindfold games at Lemgo, all of which I won in the course of five hours and a half.
"My father has presented me with some books on mathematics, which I am studying in the daytime. Every evening from six to eleven o'clock I practice chess with my brother Wilfred, who is also a good blindfold player, as he has lately proved by playing nine blindfold games simultaneously, and beating all his opponents in the course of seven hours. Of fifteen blindfold games (five played at a time) which we tried against each other, I won nine, lost two, and made four drawn games. While playing single games over the board our score is even thus far.
"With many good wishes, I remain yours truly,
"May 7, 1861. "LOUIS PAULSEN."