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Source: The Illustrated London News, Dec 8, 1855, p.675

His Majesty the King of Sardinia attended divine service on Sunday at the Royal Sardinian Chapel, Lincoln's-inn-fields, accompanied by a numerous suite. His Majesty arrived precisely at eleven o'clock, and was received at the entrance of the chapel by Cardinal Wiseman and the chaplains of the embassy. The Cardinal addressed his Majesty in Italian, and the following is a correct translation of his eminence's words:
Sire, permit me to take advantage of this occasion, the first of its kind that will be enrolled in the annals of the Royal Sardinian Chapel, to convey to your Majesty the sincere and humble homage of the clergy who officiate, and the numerous congregation, native and Italian, who frequent it, and derive from it so many spiritual blessings. It is the most ancient of our Catholic chapels or churches. Founded by the piety and zeal of your Majesty's august ancestors, entirely maintained by them during centuries of peril and affliction, generously endowed by your Majesty, it has been one of the principal supports of our holy religion in this metropolis. And, if your Majesty will find it but insignificant and poor, not the less fervent on that account are the prayers daily offered up in it to the Almighty, to beg him to enrich your Majesty and your Royal house with abundant mercies and heavenly graces.

His Majesty returned thanks, and asked several questions about the chapel, its origin, &c. he was then conducted by the Cardinal and clergy, in procession, to the throne erected for him in the chapel. The altar and sanctuary were as handsomely decorated as the very limited time allowed. His Majesty stood or knelt during the entire service, and the immense congregation were particularly struck with his unostentatious piety, and dignified, soldier-like bearing. The mass (Beethoven in C) was admirably played and sung by the numerous choir. A large body of police were in attendance, who kept excellent order among the dense crowd assembled in front of the chapel to welcome his Majesty.

On his return the King lunched at Richmond, and paid a visit to the ex-Royal family of France. The King, in order to see the country, posted to Windsor, where be arrived at half-past five o'clock. The terrace on Sunday afternoon was crowded with visitors from London and the surrounding district, many, of whom had journeyed to Windsor in the expectation of catching a glimpse of the King of Sardinia. His Majesty, however, to their great disappointment, did not return to the Castle in time to join the Court in promenade, which took place between three and four o'clock, when the Queen, with Prince Albert, and the Royal children and suite, made her appearance, and remained some time on the terrace, to the gratification of her loyal subjects; the fine bands of the Grenadier Guards and 22nd Regiment of Foot being in attendance.