SOURCE: Kent's Directory for the Year 1794. Cities of London and Westminster, & Borough of Southwark.
Labatt J., Ship Agent & Insurance-broker, 9 Castle-str., Houndsditch
or Will's Coffee-house
Labrow & Son, Druggist & Chymists, 128, St. John's-str., Smithfield
Lacey John, Mercht., 10, Farrer's-buildings, in the Temple
Lacey James, Hosier, Clement's-inn, Temple-bar
Ladler Nicholas, Wholesale Linen-draper, 7, Watling-str.
Ladyman H. & Co., Horse-hair Manufacturers, 51, Fleet-market
Lafont John & Son, Merchts., 30, Leman-str., Goodman's-fields
Laforest Wm., Wine Mercht., 115, Upper Thames-str.
Laidlaw Tho., Watchmaker, 16, Salisbury-court, Fleet-str.
Laidler Geo., Carpet Warehouse, Prince's-str., Leicester-fields
Laing David, Cork Manufactory, 1, Great Tower-str.
Lamar & Bisset, Merchts., New Lloyd's Coffee-house, or 6, New Inn, Wych-str., Strand
Lamb John, Esq, Army Agent, 2, Golden-square
Lamb Tho., Dyer & Buckram-stiffner, Lamb's-build., Chiswell-str.
Lambe John, Goldsmith, 29, Fetter-lane, Holborn
Lambe E. J., GoldSeal-maker, Hair-worker & Jeweller, 25, Noble-str.
Lambe J., Mineral Water Warehouse, 2, Leadenhall-str.
Lambe John, Wine Merchant & Mineral Water Warehouse, 143, New Bond-str.
Lambert Charles, Haberdasher, 80, Ditto
Lambert S., Glover, 436, Strand
Lambert Dan. & Co., Merchts., 12, St. Martin's-lane, Cannon-str.
Lambert John, Stock-broker, 25, Cornhill
Lambert John, Silk-broker, 12, Steward-str., Spitalfields
Lambert W. C. & F., Hosiery Manufacturers, 13, Wood-str.
Lambert Wm., Oilman, 11, Ludgate-hill
Lambert B., Grocer & Tea-dealer, 34, Greek-str., Soho
Lambun Tho., Cork-cutter, 7, Little Eastcheap
Lancaster & Waugh, Drapers & Mercers, 1, Fish-street-hill
Lancaster, Bax & Ellill, Lead Merchants & Shot-makers, 26, Queen-
street, Cheapside & 10, Bankside, Southwark
Lance & Auber, Meal & Corn-factors, 3, Gould-square, Crutched-friars
Lane, Son & Fraser, Merchts., 10, Nicholas-lane, Lombard-str.
Lane G., White Lead Manufacturer, 1, Leoman's-pond, Southwark
Lane Wm., Bookseller, 33, Leadenhall-str.
Lane T., Oil & Dry Cooper, 3, Little Tower-hill
Lane Benj., Ship & Insurance-broker, 3, St. Michael's-alley, Cornhill
Lanfear, Goldney & Co., Haberdasher, 32, Cheapside
Langdale Marmaduke & Thomas, Distillers, 26, Holborn
Langdon George, Coach-maker, 134, Long-acre
Langdon John, Auctioneer & Cabinet-maker, Old Bailey
Lange Solomon, Furrier, 1, Holborn-bars
Langford Tho., Hatter & Sword-cutler, 50, Fleet-str.
Langhorne John, Broker, 56, Barbican
Langhorne Geo., Linen-draper, 3, Great Surry-str.
Langlands Alex., Mercht., City Chambers, 121 Bishopsgate within
Langley Tho., Mercht., 41, Threadneedle-str.
Langmead Joseph, Patent Grate-maker, 25, Great Russel-str.
Langston & Dixon, Merchts., 13, Savage-gardens
Langston Stephen, Esq., Alderman, 92, Watling-str.
Langston, Lyon, Earle & Langston, Wigan Manufacturers, 92, Ditto
Langton Zachary, Manchester Warehouse, 63, Bread-str.
Lansdown Tho., Mercht., 139, Cheapside
Lant Dan., Wine Mercht., 2, Savage-gardens
Lany Moses, Lace Warehouse, 11, Tavistock-str., Covent-garden
Lappan Henry, Floorcloth & Turnery Warehouse, 2, Lothbury
Larken John, Lighter-builder, 282, Rotherhith
Larkins Tho., Ship's Husband, Old South Sea House, Broad-str.
Larkins, Eade & Co., Ironmongers, 91, Wood-str., Cheapside
Larner Matthew, Mercer, 9, Cloysters, Smithfield
Lashbrooke Tho., Ship's Agent, 67, Greenfield-str., Whitechapel
Latham & Pulsford, Wine Merchts., 91, Great Tower-str.
Laver Benj., Goldsmith & Jeweller, 4, Bruton-str., Berkley-square
Leverick [sic] G., Biscuit-baker, 97, Wapping
Laugh J., Iron-chest-maker, 6, St. John's-str., Smithfield
Laundy S., Surgeon's Instrument-maker, 12, St. Thomas's-str., Borough
Law Edward, Orange Mercht., 31, Botolph-lane
Law James, Wholesale Confectioner, 105, St. John's-str., Smithfield
Law Bedwell, Bookseller, 13, Ave-marie-lane
Law Michael & Tho., Leather-sellers, 56, Chiswell-str.
Law Henry, Merchts., 13, Great St. Helen's
Lawrance Sam., Coal Mercht., 18, Steward-str., Spitalfields
Lawrance S. Woollen-draper & Mercer, 2, Cheapside
Lawrence Sam., Hosier, 78, Ditto
Lawrence Effingham, Mercht., 9, Great Tower-hill
Lawrence, Vulliamy & Bott, Sugar-refiners, 65 & 66 Leman-str., Goodman's-fields
Lawrence Isaac & Son, Dealer's in Ship's Stores & Provision-factors, 56, Lower Shadwell
Lawrence & Dare, Ivory & Hardwood Turners, 4, Cary-lane, Foster-lane
Lawrence & Walker, Sugar-refiners, 36 & 37 Hoxton
Lawrence Charles, Stock-broker, 78, Lombard-str.
Lawrence & Jones, Coal Merchts., 14, Northumberland-str., Strand
Lawrence & Jollands, Linen-drapers, 22, Ludgate-str.
Lawrence Benj., Pen & Quill Warehouse, 12, Shoe-lane, Fleet-str.
Lawrence Edward, Notary Public, 78, Lombard-str.
Lawrence R., Insurance-broker, 11, Warnford-court, Throgmorton-str.
Lawrie John, Grocer, Broad-str., Ratcliff-cross
Lawrie Peter, Mercht., 2, Lawrence-pountney-hill
Lawrie A., Army Agent, 4, John-str., Adelphi
Lawson Stephen, Corn-dealer, 1, Prescot-str., Goodman's-fields
Lawson Rob., Woollen-draper, 24, Tavistock-str., Covent-garden
Lawson Joseph, Hat Manufacturer, 386, Strand
Lawson Wm., Cooper, Fox's-lane, Shadwell
Laycock Tho., Trunk-maker to his Majesty, 136, Long-acre
Layton & Young, Back-makers, 143, Borough, & East Smithfield
Layton John & James, Brokers, 41, Lime-str.
Lea Joseph, Working Goldsmith, 20, Silver-str., Wood-str.
Lea Rich., Handkerchief Weaver, 26, Old Jewry
Lea Francis & John, Silk & Worsted Stuff Manufacturers, 9 Mumford-court, Milk-str.
Leach John, Wholesale Haberdasher, 66 & 67 Cornhill
Leach John, Leather-seller, King-str., Snow-hill
Leach Richard, Coach-maker, 28, Whitechapel
Leach Tho., Haberdasher, 7, Grace's-alley, Goodman's-fields
Leadbeter E., Mercht., 23, Dean-str., Tooley-str.
Leader W., Coach-maker, 37, Liquorpond-str., Leather-lane
Leader Charles, Glass-cutter, 15, Coleman-str.
Leader Rebecca, Distiller's Chymist, 35, London-wall
Leader Geo., Carver to his Majesty, 188, Oxford-str.
Leaf Wm., Haberdasher, 110, Fleet-str.
Leaford John, Ironmonger, 31, Barbican
Leame Geo. & Co., Merchts., 39, Dowgate-hill
Leaper Joseph, Grocer & Tea-dealer, 157, Bishopsgate without
Lear G. & Co., Sugar-refiners, 13, Great Garden-str., Whitechapel
Lear, Handasyde & Co., Sugar-refiners, 1, Brewhouse-lane, Wapping
Learmonth & Lindsay, Merchts., 30, Nicholas-lane
Learmonth & Beazley, Accoutrement-makers, 25, Parliament-str.
Leasinby John, Wire Warehouse, 1, Salisbury-court, Fleet-str.
Leath & Walsh, Callico Printers, 4, Bow Church-yard
Leatham, Walker & Co., Merchts., 2, Basinghall-str.
Leathley John, Crown Glass Warehouse, 4, St.Dunstan's-alley, Thames-str.
Leatt P., Plate & Brass-founder, 3, Little St. Martin's-lane, Long-acre
Leaverston Hannah, Ship & House Brazier, 34, Ratcliff-cross
Lebez J. Q., Weaver, 7, Wood-str., Spitalfields
Le Caan Charles, Coal Mercht., 14, Bankside, Southwark
Le Cointe, Brothers, Merchts., 6, Devonshire-square, Bishopsgate-str.
Lechmere T. L., Coal Merchant & Lighterman, 5, East-lane, Rotherhith
Le Coq John & Son, Merchts., 17, Leman-str., Goodman's-fields
Leckie Geo., Insurance-broker, 1, Artillery-place, Moorfields
Ledger H. & E., Buckram & Linen Warehouse, 3, Lombard-str.
Ledwich N. R., Attorney, 23, Bread-street-hill
Lee Wm., Woolen-draper, 403, Strand
Lee Tho., Man's Mercer, 7, Alfred-place, Blackfriars-road
Lee James, Esq., Turkey Mercht., in the Grove, Hackney
Lee John, Hatter & Hosier, 61, Charing-cross
Lee John, Cabinet-maker & Upholsterer, 30, Parliament-str.,
Lee Henry, Silversmith, 10, Shoreditch
Lee Simon, Mercht., Thomas's-str., Shad Thames
Lee Rich., West India Mercht., 6, Fowkes's-build., Tower-str.
Lee Sam., Muslin Warehouse, 218, Borough
Lee Tho., Attorney, 2, Shorter's-court, Throgmorton-str.
Lee & Co., Hatter & Furriers, 6, New Bond-str.
Lee Rich. & Wm., Turkey Merchts., 33, Old Broad-str.
Lee Rich. & Son, Turkey Merchts., John's Coffee-house, Cornhill
Lee William, Attorney, 18, Lothbury
Lee Joshua, Hop-factor, Oil & Colourman, 223, Borough
Lee & Strachan, Merchts., Virginia Coffee-house, Cornhill
Lee & Hazard, Hat-makers, Worcester-str., Southwark
Leech E., Cotton Merchant & Manufacturer, Tottenham-court
Leeming Michael, Silk-broker, 24, Tokenhouse-yard, Lothbury
Leftley Charles, Grocer, 368, Strand
Legg M., Millinery & Haberdashery Warehouse, Postern-row, Tower-hill
Legg Leaver, Woolen-draper, 70, Cornhill
Legg Samuel, Upholsterer, 71, Fleet-str.
Legh Thomas, Macclesfield Silk Handkerchief Warehouse, 74, Aldermanbury
Legh & Jefferson, Men's Mercery Warehouse, 43, Milk-str.
Legrew & Peltrau, Weavers, 28, Steward-str., Spitalfields
L'Homme Wm., Weaver, 18, Wood-str., Ditto
Leigh John, Currier & Leather-cutter, 14, High-str., St. Giles's
Leigh & Sotherby, Booksellers, 9, York-str., Covent-garden
Leigh John, Attorney, 7, Philpot-lane
Leigh & Jeffray, Merchts., 37, Welclose-square
Leighton, William, Esq., Mercht., 4, Coal Exchange
Le Jeune John, Grocer & Tea-dealer, 3, New-str., Covent-gar.
Lekeux Rich., Mathematical Instrument-maker, 137, Execution-dock, Wapping
Lemaistre & Pontardant, Weavers, 20, Wood-str., Spitalfields
Le Messurier, Haviland & Co., Merchts., 4, Castle-court, Birchin-l.
Le Mesurier, Paul, Esq., Alderman, 6, Walbrook
Le Mesurier & Secretan, Merchts., 6, Ditto
Lemon J., Millwright & Engineer, 25, Fieldgate-str., Whitechapel
Lennan James, Grocer, 43, Leadenhall-str.
Lepard, Smith & Lepard, Stationers & Paper-makers, 26 & 91 Newgate-str.
Lermitte Thomas, Man's Mercer, 4, Aldgate without
Lermitte Isaac, Woollen-draper & Mercer, Mansell-str., Goodman's-fields
Leroux John, Watchmaker, 8, Charing-cross
Leslie Peter, Ironmonger, 30, King-str., Snow-hill
Leslie Robert, Attorney, Agent & Notary, 28, Tokenhouse-yard, Lothbury
Lesouef & Sons, Weavers, 16, Church-str., Spitalfields
Lester Robert, Mast-maker, Rotherhith
Lester William, Wine & Brandy Mercht., 354, Ditto
Lester John, Coal Mercht., 1, Raquet-court, Fleet-str.
Letch Thomas, Pin-maker, 222, Strand
Lett Tho. & Sons, Timber Merchts., Narrow-wall, Lambeth
Leventhrop S., Wholesale Toy-dealer, 20, Goulston-sq., Whitechapel
Levesque J., Stock-broker, Hoxton Town, or Stock Exchange
Levien Godtchall, Mercht., 20, Mansell-str., Goodman's-fields
Levick Charles, Weaver & Silk Mercer, 138, Minories
Levy Hart, Broker, 2, Devonshire-str., Bishopsgate without
Levy Isreal, Mercht., 24, Crutched-friars
Levy Leon, Mercht., Haydon-square, Minories
Levy Zachariah, Mercht., 6, Bury-court, St. Mary-axe
Levy Jacob-J, Callico Warehouse, 37, Spital-square
Levy Simon, Insurance-broker, 9, Grocers-hall-co., Poultry
Levy Isreal, Jeweller & Silversmith, 11, Cockspur-str.
Levy J., Vermicelly Manufactory, Mason's-court, Spitalfields
Levy Philip, Broker, Cock & Hoop-yard, Houndsditch
Lewes Sir Watkin, Knt. & Alderman, Parliament-str., Westminster
Lewin & Norwood, Flour-factors, 1?, Queenhith
Lewis John, Tallow-chandler, 182, Shoreditch
Lewin[sic] R. & B., Platers, Founders & Ironmongers, 107, Long-acre
Lewis Edward, Haberdasher, 38, Borough
Lewis L., Hosier & Haberdasher, 183, Shoreditch
Lewis Richard, Grocer & Tea-dealer, 180, Borough
Lewis Tho., Chymist & Druggist, 17, Bedford-str., Covent-garden
Lewis Thomas, Mercht., 36, Great Tower-hill
Lewis, Dyson & Lambert, Merchts., Frederick-place, Old Jewry
Lewis C. T., Tobacconist, 14, Long-acre
Lewis Robert, Ironmonger, Hermitage-bridge, Wapping
Lewis & Morgan, Attornies, 33 & 34 Theobald's-row, Redlion-square
Lewis David, Seedsman & Nurseryman, 28, Cornhill
Lewis Robert, Broker, 10, Bond's-court, Walbrook
Lewis James, Wharfinger, 13, Battle-bridge, Southwark
Lewis Tho., Woollen-draper, 34, King-str., Covent-garden
Lewis William, Dyer & Buckram-stiffner, 51, Bunhill-row
Lewis Joseph, Silver Manufactory, 8, Cheapside
Lewis John, Comb-maker & Hardwareman, 66, St. Paul's Church-y.
Lewis & Shorland, Wholesale Drapers, 127, Wood-str., Cheapside
Lewthwaite, Wm., Hat Manufacturer, 37, Lombard-str.
Ley Thomas, Hat Manufacturer, 82, Aldersgate-str.
Leyburn Peter, Linen-draper, 12, Houndsditch
Liddard Samuel, Lighter-builder, Shad Thames
Liddard Thomas, Lighterman, Ditto
Liddiard Thomas, Jeweller, 54, St. Paul's Church-yard
Life Jacob, Coal Mercht., 6, Craven-str., Strand
Lifford & Co., Rope-makers, 141, Shadwell High-str.
Lighfoot & Tabrum, Warehousemen, 1, Boars-head-court, Gracechurch-str.
Lighfoot Samuel, jun., Mercht., 56, Tower-str.
Like Geo., Jeweller, Goldsmith & Hardwareman, 39, Butcher-row
Limbery Matthew, Gunsmith, 16, Haydon-squ., Minories
Liley & Watson, Merchts., 43, Mincing-lane
Lincoln Charles, Optician, 62, Leadenhall-str.
Lind M. Montague, Mercht., 23, Surry-str., Strand
Lind N., Clock & Watchmaker, 4, Norman-str., Oxford-str.
Lindegren Charles-T., Secretary to the Turkey Company, Salter's-hall or 4, Birchin-lane
Lindo I. & M. jun., Merchants & Insurance-brokers, 30, Leadenhall-str.
Lindo Isaac, Coal Merchts., Garaway's Coffee-house
Lindo & Co., Merchts., 5, Billiter-lane
Lindo, Aguilar, Dias & Lindo, Merchts., 31, Throgmorton-str.
Lindsay James, Mercht., 30, Nicholas-lane
Lindsell & Co., Booksellers & Stationers, 8, Wigmore-str., Cavendish-square
Lingard & Sadler, Mustard & Oil Mills, Clink-str., Southwark
Lingard John, Haberdasher, &c, 44, Rathbone-place
Lingham W., Wine & Brandy Mercht., 18, Beer-lane, Tower-str.
Linnell John, Upholsterer & Cabinet-maker, 28, Berkley-square
Liptrap John & Co., Malt Distillers & Rectifiers. Whitechapel-r
Liscoe Samuel, Wharfinger, Hay's-wharf, Southwark
Lister John, Wine & Brandy Mercht., 42, Lothbury
Lithybee Philip, Mercht., New-road, Ratcliff
Littell William, Tallow-melter, 42, Crispin-str., Spitalfields
Littler Ralph, Oilman, 22, Leadenhall-str.
Littler Joseph, Goldsmith & Jeweller, 179, Strand
Lit?ter E., Tobacconist & Snuff-maker, 323, Oxford-str.
Lit?ter George, Wholesale Stationer, 128, Upper Thames-str.
Livie John, Potter & Glass-seller, Hermitage-yard, Wapping
Livie Rob., Mercht., 1, Copthall-buildings, Throgmorton-str.
Liagostera J. P., Mercht., 12, Martin's-lane, Cannon-str.
Lloyd Sam & Wm., Warehousemen, 108, Lower Thames-str.
Lloyd Edmund, Tinplate-worker, 272, Strand
Lloyd John, Mercht., 34, Tower-str.
Lloyd John, Perfumer, 2, York-str., Covent-garden
Lloyd John, Grocer & Tea-dealer, 188, Strand
Lloyd Wm., Wholesale Linen-draper, 8[8?], Coleman-str.
Loasada E. & J. B., Merchts., 13, Devonshire-square, Bishopsgate
Lobb & Son, Hosier, 148, Cheapside
Lobban James, Hat-maker, 28, Winchester-str., Old Broad-str.
Lock James, Hatter, 6, St. James-str.
Locke John, Merchant & Insurance-broker, 34, Fish-street-hill
Lockwood & Chadwick, Woollen-drapers, 50, St. Martin's-lane, Charing-cross
Lockwood, Morris & Co., Merchts., 26, Great Bush-lane, Cannon-str.
Lockwood, Russel & Parkinson, Hop Merchts., 291, Borough
Lodge John, Packer, 14, Seething-lane
Loftie A. S., Wholesale Haberdasher, 13, Watling-str.
Loftus A., British Wine Mercht., 4, Great Eastcheap
Lokes A., Wax & Spermaceti Candle Warehouse, 39, Newgate-str.
Lomas Richard, Grocer & Tea-dealer, 9, Snow-hill
Lomas George, Cotton Mercht., 33, Dowgate-hill
Long, Drakes, Long & Dawkins, Merchts., 17, Bishopsgate within
Long Wm., Wine Mercht., 2, Little Trinity-lane
Long James, Optician, 4, Back of the Royal Exchange
Long William, Truss-maker, 43, Mincing-lane
Long Henry, Bookseller & Stationer, 49, Piccadilly
Long & Drew, Enamellers, 5, Redlion-str., Clerkenwell
Long John, Malt factor, 14, Queenhith
Long John, Warehouseman, 2, Ingram-court, Fenchurch-str.
Longbottom Henry, Skeleton-mounter, Snow's-fields, Southwark
Longbottom Tho. & Geo., Distillers, 233, Shoreditch
Longden John, Mercht., 13, Lawrence-pountney-lane
Longlands Alex., Mercht., 121, Bishopsgate within
Longley Robert, Apothecary, Adam's-court, Old Broad-str.
Longman Thomas, Bookseller, 39, Paternoster-row
Longman & Broderip, Musical Instrument-makers, 26, Cheapside, & 13 Haymarket
Lonsdale T., Gold & Silver Laceman, 32, King-str., Covent-garden
Lonsdale Wm., Woollen-draper, 8, Bridges-str., Ditto
Lonsdale Wm., Cabinet-maker, &c, 7, Broad-str., Golden-square
Lonsdale & Sayer, Brandy & Hop Merchts., 20, Smithfield
Lorkin J., Oilman & Hop Mercht., 129, St. John's-str., Ditto
L'Oste,Charles, Man's Mercer, 86, Cornhill
L'Oste,Charles, Man's Mercer, 79, Cheapside
Lothian, Sharp,Wardrop & Co., Gauze Weavers, 109, Watling-str.
Loubier Charles, Tessier & Co., Merchts., 27, Austin-friars
Love J., Goldsmith, Jeweller & Hardwareman, 23, Aldgate without
Love James, Wholesale Perfumer, 12, Haymarket
Loveday John, Weaver, 22, Watling-str.
Loveday & Clay, Oil & Hop Merchts., 100, St. John's-str., Smithfield
Lovegrove William, Plumber, 135, Long-acre
Lovell Tho., Glass & Staffordshire Warehouse, 32, Bread-str.
Lovell & Page, Leghorn & ChipHat-pressers, 145, Aldersgate-str.
Lovell William, Paper-hanger, 138, Fleet-str.
Lovewell & Curtis, Wholesale Hosiers, 24, Wood-str.
Lovibond Edward, Hat-maker, 83, High Holborn
Louttit W. & Son, Druggist & Chymists, 37, Fenchurch-str.
Low George-Archdale, Packer, 32, Great St. Helen's
Low William, Hatter & Hosier, 24, New Bond-str.
Lowe, Clay & Lowe, Ribbon Weavers, 64, Friday-str.
Lowe & Son, Gun-makers, 12, Parliament-str.
Lowe William, Ironmonger & Brazier, 52, Chiswell-str.
Lowe Thomas, Draper, 6, Swithin's-lane, Lombard-str.
Lowe Daniel, Wholesale Hosier, 9, Aldermanbury
Lowe J., Wine Mercht., Gray's-inn Coffee-house, Holborn
Lowe & Gamage, Ribbon Weavers, 6, Goldsmith-str., Wood-str.
Lowe John & David, Flour-factors, Baker's-row, Whitechapel-road
Lowndes & West, Coal Merchts., Whitefriars-dock
Lownds & Co., Gauze & Muslin Manufacturers, 35, Foster-lane
Lowther & Knott, Hat Manufacturers, Queen-str., Southwark
Lowthwaite William, Hat Manufacturers, 37, Lombard-str.
Loxham Robert, Hatter & Sword-cutler, 88, Cornhill
Luard, Son & Norton, Merchts., 10 King's-arms-yard, Coleman-str.
& New Lloyd's Coffee-house
Lubbock John, Mercht., 2, St. Mildred's-court, Poultry
Lucadou J. D. Esq., & Lesouef, Merchts., 51, Old Broad-str.
Lucadou Peter, Esq., Mercht., Bishopsgate without
Lucas Benj., Flour-factor, 18, Millbank-str., Westminster
Lucas A., Linen-draper & Coal Mercht., 1, York-str., Covent-garden
Lucas Matthias, Lighterman, 3, Tower-dock
Lucas Joseph, Tinplate-worker, 80, Long-acre
Lucas Thomas, Oilman, Hyde-str., Bloomsbury
Lucas William, Surgeon, 36, Winchester-str.
Lucas Sam., Corn-dealer, 19, Warwick-str., Golden-square
Lucas & Betke, Merchts., 26, Budge-row
Lucas & Co., Oilmen, 73, Holborn-bridge
Lucas & Spencer, Oil Mercht., Phoenix-str., Soho-square
Lucena & Crawford, Merchts., 4, Turnwheel-lane, Cannon-str.
Luckhurst W., Turner & Floor-cloth Warehouse, 63, High Holborn
Ludlam S. M., Stocking Manufacturer, 159, Oxford-str.
Ludlam Wm., Mercht., 28, Queen-str., Cheapside
Ludlow & Roberts, Attornies, 4, Monument-yard
[Editor: m.s. inscription in a contemporary hand alters the above entry to: Sudlow & Roberts]
Luke Sam. & Co., Linen-drapers, 20, Norton-falgate
Luke William, Gauze & Muslin dresser, 117, Bunhill-row
Lukin James, Iron-foundry, Upper Ground, Lambeth
Lukin & Allan, Coach-makers, 101, Long-acre
Lukkenbak, J. M., Red Morocco Manufacturer, Hoxton
Lupton & Hoby, Bed Lace & Fringe Manufacturers, 56, Bartholomew-close
Lush John, Distiller, 155, High Holborn
Lushington Wm. & Co., Merchts., 1, Fox-ordinary-court, Nicholas-l
Luton William, Hatter, 14, Bishopsgate within
Lutyens N., Exchange-broker, 5, Martin's-lane, Cannon-str.
Lyall John, Mercht., 11, Circus, Minories
Lycett, John, Coach & Harness-maker, 59, Whitechapel
Lyde, Page & Lyde, Oilmen, 459, Strand
Lyley Wm., Corn-dealer, 48, Great Surry-str., Blackfriars-road
Lynam & Co., Hatters, Hosiers & Glovers, 26, Borough
Lynam George, Agent, 31, Walbrook
Lynch John, Ribbon Weaver, Horse Shoe-alley, Middle Moorfields
Lyne William, Undertaker, 28, Walbrook
Lynes Wm., Warehouseman, 26, Milk-str.
Lyney L., Lead Mercht., 10, Knightrider-str., Doctor's-commons
Lynn & Warne, Curriers, Heathcock-court, Strand
Lynn & Reid, Manchester Warehousemen, 58, Watling-str.
Lyon Benj., M. D., 23, Bartlet's-buildings, Holborn
Lyon Wm. & Jos., Attornies, 3, Coney-court, Gray's Inn
Lyon & Jobson, Merchts., 19, Bucklersbury
Lyon & Neilson, Merchts., 1, Clothworker-hall, Mincing-lane
Lyon Laurence, Brandy Mercht., 16, Broad-str., Bloomsbury
Lyon J., Lighterman & Coal Mercht., 9, High Timber-str., Queenhith
Lyon & Poynter, Surgeons, 36, St. John's-square, Clerkenwell
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