[List of names extracted from:]
Facts and Reasons
in support of
Mr. Rowland Hill's
plan for a
Universal Penny Postage
by W. H. Ashurst.
Second Edition.
Henry Hooper, 13, Pall Mall East.
Lord Ashburton. R. Wallace, Esq., M.P. Rowland, Hill, Esq. C. Knight, Esq., ................Charles Knight & Co., Publishers W. M. Christy, Esq., ............W.M. and John Christy & Co., Hat Manufacturers. John Dillon, Esq.................Of the Firm of James Morrison & Co., Wholesale Warehousemen G. B. Whittaker, Esq.............Whittaker & Co., Publishers John Dickinson, Esq..............John Dickinson & Co., Paper-makers. Mr. J. Wright....................Warren, Russell, and Wright, Blacking Manufacturers Mr. L. F. de Porquet.............Publisher and Scholastic Agent. H. Desborough, Esq...............Secretary to the Atlas Fire and Life Insurance Company Mr. M. Brankston.................Superintendent of the Establishment of Leaf, Coles, & Co., Wholesale Warehousemen. G. Moffatt, Esq..................Moffatt & Co., Tea and Colonial Agents and Brokers. R. Taylor, Esq...................Printer. Editor of "Philosophical Magazine," &c. &c. Capt. J. Bentham.................52nd Regiment. J. W. Parker, Esq................Publisher to the University of Cambridge. Mr. J. Reid......................Formerly a Bookseller and Publisher in Glasgow G. Saintsbury, Esq...............Under Treasurer to The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. R. Pearson.......................Proprietor of Stanton's Wharf. Dr. D. Lardner. Mr. J. B. Sharp..................Sharp & Co. Medicine Vendors. Mr. F. B. Oerton.................Saddlers' Ironmonger. T. Lamie Murray, Esq.............Chairman, National Loan Fund Life Assurance Society, and one of the Directors of National Bank of Ireland. T. Webster, Esq..................Secretary to Society of Civil Engineers. Patrick Johnson, Esq.............Official Assignee. Mr. G. E. Brooks.................Brooks and Hedger, Auctioneers, and Estate and Land Agents. Mr. W. H. Watson.................Secretary to Sunday School Union. J. M. Ashlin, Esq................John Ashlin and Son, Corn-factors. William Maury, Esq...............Treasurer of the American Chamber of Commerce at Liverpool. William Brown, Esq...............William and James Brown & Co. of Liverpool, Merchants. Richard Cobden, Esq..............Of Manchester, Manufacturer, and author of "Russia, By a Manchester Manufacturer," and of "England, Ireland, and America, By a Manchester Manufacturer." William Felkin, Esq..............Of Nottingham, Lace Merchant, and Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce at Nottingham. Thomas Coates, Esq..............Secretary to the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Mr. W. Vickers..................Naylor, Hutcheson, Vickers, & Co., of Sheffield, Merchants and Steel Manufacturers. Mr. Daniel Deacon...............Daniel Deacon and Son, Public Carriers. E. G. Flight, Esq...............A Solicitor at Bridport. Lieut. F. W. Ellis, R. N........Auditor of a District of Poor Law Unions, Commissioner of River Blyth, &c. Mr. D. Mc Kewan.................Manager, under W. J. Hall & Co., of Custom House and Wool Quays. T. Griffin, Esq.................Proprietor of Beale's Wharf. Mr. A. Davidson.................Durnford & Co., Gracechurch Street, Pin and Fish-hook Manufacturers. Mr. J. Boord....................Clerk to Swain & Co. Distillers, Holborn. Mr. E. Baker....................A traveller. Colonel Colby...................Superintendant of the Ordance Survey. Matthew Clark, Esq..............Matthew Clark and Keeling, Brokers and Agents in the Foreign Wine and Spirit Trade. Mr. T. J. Brewin................John Brewin and Son, Cirencester, Dealers in Seeds, Hops, &c. D. Mc Laren, Esq................Treasurer of Edinburgh. Dr. G. Birkbeck. Mr. J. Dunlop...................A gentleman, who has devoted much time to the establishment of Temperance Societies. Alfred Austin, Esq..............Solicitor. Mr. T. Davidson.................Manufacturer, Glasgow. Mr. Gravener Henson.............Of Nottingham, Hosiery and Lace Manufacturer. Rev. T. Socket..................Rector of Petworth. James Simpson, Esq..............Of the Scotch Bar, Author of "The Philosphy of Education," and Lecturer on Education. George Emery, Esq..............The Grange, Banwell, near Bristol, Magistrate for Somersetshire, &c. Dr. G. Gregory.................Physician to the Small Pox and Vaccination Hospital at St. Pancras. Dr. W. Munk....................Physician to the Farringdon Dispensary. Samuel Jones Loyd, Esq..Jones..Loyd & Co., Bankers. Charles Tennant, Esq...........Of Russell Square.
Earl of Lichfield.....................General Post-office, London. Lieut,-Col. Maberly ..................Ditto Mr. J. Campbell ......................Ditto Mr. W. Bokenham ......................Ditto M. B. Peacock, Esq ...................Ditto Mr. G. R. Huddlestone ................Ditto Mr. C. Newton ........................Ditto T. Lawrence, Esq .....................Ditto Mr. W. Holgate .......................Ditto George Louis, Esq ....................Ditto Mr. J. W. Sebright ...................Ditto Mr. G. H. Cresswell ..................Ditto C. T. Court, Esq .....................Ditto John Wood, Esq .......................Stamp-Office C. Pressly, Esq ......................Ditto Joseph Timm, Esq .....................Ditto Thomas Thompson, Esq .................Solicitor to Irish Post-office. William Banning, Esq .................Postmaster of Liverpool. Augustus Godby, Esq ..................Secretary to Irish Post-office Sir Edward S. Lees ...................Secretary to Post-office of Scotland. Mr. C. Bianconi ......................Car Contractor, Ireland.
Editor: This book contains the following Insert Advertisement:
Mr. John W. Parker,
Cambridge Bible Warehouse,
West Strand,
(with a list of books stocked)