Mr. Alexander Haldane, J.P. for Essex, and of the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law, the lineal heir-male of the very ancient family of Haldane of Gleneagles, in the county of Perth, died on the 19th inst. He was born Oct. 15, 1800, the son of Mr. James Alexander Haldane, by Mary, his first wife, only child and heiress of Major Alexander Joass, of Colleonard, in the county of Banff, and grandson of Captain James Haldane, of Airthrey, in the county of Stirling. After a long and blameless life of Christian faith, Mr. Haldane has passed away, universally beloved and esteemed. He married, Aug. 29, 1822, Emma Corsbie, daughter of Mr. Joseph Hardcastle, of Hatcham House, Surrey, and leaves, besides five daughters, one son, the Very Rev. James Robert Alexander Chinnery-Haldane, Dean of Argyll and The Isles, who has assumed by Royal license the prefix surname of Chinnery, in consequence of his marriage with Anna Elizabeth Frances Margaretta, only child and heiress of Sir Nicholas Chinnery, Bart., of Flintfield, in the county of Cork.
Source: The Illustrated London News, No.2256—Vol. LXXXI, Saturday, July 29, 1882, p.128