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The will (dated Feb. 1, 1861), with two codicils (dated April 9, 1873, and Jan. 31, 1878), of Miss Elizabeth Baxter, formerly of Old Broad-street, but late of No. 309, Oxford-street, who died on May 31 last, was proved on the 11th inst. by Charles Ravenhill and Miss Ann Ravenhill, the executors, the value of the personal estate being over £124,000. The testatrix bequeaths £1000 to the Court of Assistants of the Cooks' Company, of which Company her late brother was member, to be applied at their discretion in any way that may be beneficial to the company; £1000 to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, £500 each to the Consumption Hospital, Brompton, and St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington; £100 to the Animals' Friend Society; £5000, upon trust, for William Haverhill for life, and then for his daughters, Adelaide and Ann, to whom she also gives separate legacies of £1000 each; £5000 each to Sarah Maria Deighton and Thomas Phillips; and numerous legacies to friends and servants. The residue of her property she leaves to the said Charles Ravenhill

Source: The Illustrated London News, No.2256—Vol. LXXXI, Saturday, July 29, 1882, p.128