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As joint-stock enterprise is now being directed with really great force to the promotion of emigration, it is interesting to work out the particulars of what is to be done under that head, and where it can be carried out. As regards the United Kingdom alone, the births are exceeding the deaths by nearly 500,000 a year, and about 250,000 of our fellows leave us each year for the purpose of making new homes, chiefly in the United States and in our colonies. The population left is, therefore, steadily increasing to the extent of the difference between those two totals, plus the accessions which we receive from foreign countries, notably Germany. As the United Kingdom is, by common consent, nearly full enough for our mutual welfare, it is important that emigration should be cultivated up to the extent of our losing, say half a million a year, or twice the present number. Happily, there is no lack of opportunity, as the unoccupied lands of the colonies alone may be reckoned by hundreds of millions of square miles. The precise figures on this subject have just been issued, and we may advantageously quote them:—

Unoccupied lands in the Colonies

Of the disposition to assist in the transmission of the redundant population of the United Kingdom to unoccupied colonial lands, we have of late had many evidences. Scarcely a week passes without a company of importance being announced for this purpose. The subscription lists of the Canada North-West Land Company, Limited, were closed on Monday, and now investors are invited to take an interest in the Anglo-Canadian Land Company, Limited. The registered capital is £500,000, but it is not intended to issue for the present more than £250,000, and of this one half has been applied for in Canada, and will be allotted there. The British public are, therefore, asked to take part in but £125,000. There is to be a board in Toronto, as well as in London. It is proposed to buy either town or agricultural properties, and to promote emigration. Attention is fairly enough drawn in the prospectus to the great wealth which has been made by both companies and individuals in this class of business, and the directors see no reason why they also should not be fortunate. All depends on management, and they believe themselves capable of securing that.

Source: The Illustrated London News, No.2257—Vol. LXXXI, Saturday, August 5, 1882, p.135