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A correspondent writing from Brussels, and who says that he is a Continental commercial traveller, states that he has noticed with much concern in the Times that our brave troops in Egypt are suffering sorely from mosquito bites. "Take;' he continues,"a little powder of the plant called "Pyrethrum Rosaeum" (which is the basis of most of the modern "insect-powders") make it into a paste with a few drops of spirit, dilute it with thrice as much water as spirit, and apply it to the hands and face, or any other exposed portion of the body, and let it dry. No mosquito nor fly will touch you; that is to say, they may come swooping down on you, but, scenting the 'Pyrethrum Rosaeum,' they give you up as a bad job and take a back seat." I know that I have many gallant readers in the Services; and it is for that reason that I have given publicity to my Brussels correspondent's useful hint.

Source: The Illustrated London News, No.2257—Vol. LXXXI, Saturday, August 5, 1882, p.131