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The extensive display of art-furniture and its countless adjuncts made in the Suffolk-street galleries, in connection with pictures left from the preceding exhibition, was (for it is now closed) highly creditable to the neighbouring firm of Hampton and Sons, and the auxiliary help they called in. Some of the designs for mantelpieces, and over-mantels and cabinets, struck us as perfectly correct in, or acceptable modifications of, their several styles, and there was a pretty fancy of a shell-shaped chair. No attempt was made to dogmatise, so to speak, in matters of taste, for the firm simply caters for the popular demands. But for this reason—as revealing the current taste—we confess we were pleased by seeing the Adam style in growing vogue; and still more, at noting a tendency to the Renaissance. Fashions change in furniture as in dress; and let us hope that much done in recent years in "Early English" and "Queen Anne," may eventually prove that we have reculer pour mieux sauter.

Source: The Illustrated London News, No.2258—Vol. LXXXI, Saturday, August 12, 1882, p.175

Decorative Arts:—
Part 1: Exhibitions of Decorative Art
Part 2: Decorative Art: Galleries
Part 3: Art Furnishers' Alliance