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Mr. Robert Wilson, C.E., F.R.S.E., died at Matlock, on the 28th alt. He was born in 1803, and after a career of close study attained great eminence as an engineer, particularly in connection with the steam-hammer, in the perfecting of which, with Mr. Nasmyth, he had a great share. The Titan steam-hammer, so well-known at the Royal Arsenal, was one of Mr. Wilson's constructions. In other branches of his profession he also attained celebrity, gaining a Government award of £500 for his improvements of the fish-torpedo. Mr. Wilson was formerly managing partner in the firm of Nasmyth, Wilson, and Co., of Patricroft, Manchester.

Source: The Illustrated London News, No.2258—Vol. LXXXI, Saturday, August 12, 1882, p.184