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[Harmony: Bible and Science]

Dr. Samuel Kinns's work, Moses and Geology; or, the Harmony of the Bible with Science (Cassell, Petter, and Galpin), made its appearance just three months ago, and we find it has already passed into it second edition, thus indicating that its merits have been, discovered by a large section of the reading public. The task undertaken by the author is one of no ordinary kind; it is an attempt to harmonise Biblical history with the latest discoveries in science and to confirm the order of creation as given by Moses. Modern scientific theories of the formation of the earth have undoubtedly brought us face to face with problems which should be met, and if possible solved, since they touch the deepest interests of the human heart and life. We will not undertake to determine whether Dr. Kinns has succeeded in doing this; but if he shall have been successful in convincing some few doubters and waverers, he possibly will not think himself quite unrewarded for the vast amount of time and labour evidently bestowed upon his book; and, at least, he will have earned the warmest thanks of those who suspect that the science of to-day is fast tending to unsettle faith in the inspiration of Holy Writ. It is, however, only fair to Dr. Kinns to say that he writes in no such narrow spirit, for he has not the least fear that the discoveries of science wilt unsettle the belief in creative design. Our space is limited, and we must content ourselves by indicating simply that "Moses and Geology" is written in the narrative style, which will render it interesting to the general reader, and to young persons in particular, by whom it will be probably used as a book of reference, since it is a vast storehouse of instruction in geology, astronomy, chemistry, botany, and natural history. The great Dinotherium of the primeval forests, the Ichthyosaurus of ancient seas, and the microscopic animals and plants equally find place, and afford absorbing topics for interesting discourses. As a literary production this work possesses considerable merit. The valuable aid to be obtained by pictorial art has not been overlooked, upwards of a hundred well-executed engravings adorning its pages and materially assisting in the elucidation of the test. The general execution of the work, as might have been expected, coining as it does from the well-known firm of Cassell, Petter, and Co., is all that could be wished.

Source: The Illustrated London News, July 1, 1882, p.25