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Christ's Hospital

Asylums and Grammar Schools.

Christ's Hospital, Newgate Street, is one of the five royal hospitals of the city of London, and was founded by letters patent of Edward VI., dated June 26, 1553, from which time it has been in active operation as an educational asylum, for the reception of orphans and children or persons of limited income. The original foundation, doubtless, contemplated it for a poorer class than for whom custom and high character of the school have rendered it available for. It is, perhaps, the most important educational establishment in the country.

The number of children on the foundation, who are wholly maintained and educated, is about 1,200, including those at the proprietary establishment at Hertford. About 200 are admitted annually, always going first to Hertford. The age of admission is from seven to ten years of age; and the mose of admission is by presentation of a governor. Her Majesty, the President, the Treasurer, the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen, present annually, and the other governors have presentations in rotation, as far as the number of children to be admitted in each year will extend; so that they have the privilege about once in four years. The chief qualification for obtaining a presentation, in the case of children not orphans, rest in their parents not possessing more than a very moderate income, some latitude being allowed in cases of large families, etc. A list of the governors having appointments for the year is published annually in March, and is to be had at the counting house of the hospital.

The annual income of the hospital includes an average of the following items:—from rents of estates, tithe-rent charges, about £33,000; dividends on stock and annuities, £10,000; from governors' contributions, £6,000 to £7,000; and the remainder from special endowment funds, casual receipts, legacies, etc.; amounting from all sources to about £58,000, from which £10,000 to £11,000 being deducted for rent and other charges, including exhibitions to the hospital's scholars at the Universities, funds for apprenticing children, outfit, and other allowances for royal mathematical boys, gifts for releasing prisoners for debt, and numerous expenses connected with the estates, etc.; a clear amount for the general purposes of maintenance, education, and establishment is left of about £47,000. The disbursements in ordinary years amount to about the same sum. Legacies are funded. The usual qualification of the Governor is a donation of £500.

President, H.R.H The Duke of Cambridge, K.G.—Treasurer, William Gilpin, Esq.—Clerk, George Trollope, Esq.

SOURCE: The Charities of London, by Samuel Low, Jun., London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill. 1861.