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St. Margaret

SOURCE: REMARKS ON LONDON, being an Exact Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Borough of Southwark... By W. Stow., London, 1722.

A List of all the Cathedrals, Churches, and Chapels of Ease within the Bill of Mortality, withal shewing therein the sett Times of publick Prayers, receiving the Sacrament, and hearing Sermons both Ordinary and Extraordinary.

Note, Pr. signifies Prayers, Sac. Sacrament;
S. Sermon; and Lect. Lecturer.

St. Margaret near Westminster Abbey, dedicated to St. Margaret, an Holy Virgin, who was born, liv'd, and buried in Antiochin Syria, after she was beheaded under Decius the Emperor, Anno 292, and her Festival is yearly observ'd on the 20th of July, was first built on the place where it now stands, by King Edward the Confessor, in 1050. This Parish consists of 3039 Dwelling Houses. Here, on Easter Day, 1555, William Flower, a Priest, wounded another with a Knife, as he was administering the Sacrament; for which his Right Hand was cut off, April 14, and for some Errors he was burnt in the Churchyard soon after. Morning Pr. on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Holy days, and all publick State Days, at 10; Evening Pr. at 6 in Summer, and 7 in Winter, both Week Days and Sundays; annual S. on All Saints at 10; and several occasional Sermons on all publick State Days, and before the honourable House of Commons on Jan. 30. May 29. and Nov. 5. during the Session of Parliament.