SOURCE: REMARKS ON LONDON, being an Exact Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Borough of Southwark... By W. Stow., London, 1722.
A List of all the Cathedrals, Churches, and Chapels of Ease within the Bill of Mortality, withal shewing therein the sett Times of publick Prayers, receiving the Sacrament, and hearing Sermons both Ordinary and Extraordinary.
Saint Alban, on the East side of Wood Street,
All Saints, alias Alhallows Barking,
All Saints, commonly Alhallows in Breadstreet,
All Saints, alias Alhallows the Great
All Saints, alias Alhallows, Lombard Street
All Saints, alias Alhallows on London Wall
All Saints, alias, Alhallows Staining
St. Alphage, near to Sion College by Cripplegate
St. Andrew Holbourn
St. Andrew Undershaft, commonly St. Mary Axe
St. Andrew Wardrobe,alias St. Andrew
Sts. Anne and Agnes
St. Anne, on the West side of Dean Street
St. Anthony, commonly called St. Antholin
St. Augustin, commonly called St. Austin,
Aylesbury Chapel, in St. John's Close,
St. Bartholomew the Great, in Cloth Fair
St. Bartholomew the Less
St. Bartholomew the Little
Barwick Street Chapel
St. Benedict, vulgarly St. Bennet Fink
St. Benedict, vulgarly St. Bennet Gracechurch
St. Bennedict, vulgarly called St. Bennet
Bloomsbury Chapel
St. Botolph Aldersgate
St. Botolph Aldgate
St. Botolph Bishopsgate
St. Bridget, alias St. Brides
Bridewell Chapel
Cesar's Royal and Extraparochial Chapel
Charterhouse Chapel
Christ's Church, in Newgate Street
Christ's Church, in Southwark
St. Christopher's Church, in Threadneedle St.
St. Clement Danes, in the Strand
St. Clement's Church
Dionis Back Church
Drapers Almshouses Chapel, in Blackman St.
Drapers Almshouses Chapel, in Newington Butts
Duke Street Chapel, St. James's Park
St. Dunstan in the East
St. Dunstan at Stepney
St. Dunstan in the West
St. Edmond the King and Martyr
Elyhouse Chapel
St. Ethelburga
Fleet Chapel
St. George's Chapel
St. George in Botolph Lane
St. George the Martyr in Southwark
St. Giles Cripplegate
St. Giles's in the Fields
Graycoat Hospital Chapel
Grays Inn Chapel
Guildhall Chapel
St. Helen the Great
Hog Lane Chapel
Horse Guard Chapel
Hoxton Hospital Chapel
St. James at Clerkenwell
St. James's Chapel
St. James, in Duke's Place
St. James, at Garklick Hyth
St. James in Jermyn Street
St. John of Jerusalem
St. John at Wapping
Islington Alms Houses
St. Katherine Coleman
St. Katherine Cree Church
St. Katherine by the Tower
King Henry's Chapel
King's Land Chapel
King's Land Chapel
King Street Chapel
Knights Bridge Chapel
Lambeth Chapel
Lamb's Chapel
St. Laurence Jewry, by Guildhall
St. Leonard in Shoreditch
Lincolns Inn Chapel
Lock Hospital Chapel
London House Chapel
London Workhouse Chapel
Ludgate Chapel
St. Magnus by London Bridge
St. Margaret in Lothbury
St. Margaret Pattons
St. Margaret near Westminster Abbey
Marshalsea Chapel
St. Martin in the Fields
St. Martin Ludgate
St. Martin Outwich
St. Mary Abchurch
St. Mary Aldermanbury
St. Mary Aldermary in Bow Lane
St. Mary at Hill, near Billingsgate
St. Mary at Islington
St. Mary at Lambeth
St. Mary le Bow in Cheapside
St. Mary at Newington Butts
St. Mary at Rotherhithe
St. Mary le Savoy
St. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey
St. Mary Magdalen in Old Fishstreet
St. Mary Somerset, Thames Street
St. Mary Whitechapel
St. Mary Woollnoth in Lombard Street
St. Matthew Friday Street in Cheapside
Mercers Hall Chapel in Cheapside
St. Michael Basinghall
St. Michael Cornhill
St. Michael Crooked Lane
St. Michael Queenhyth
St. Michael Royal on College Hill
St. Michael Woodstreet
St. Mildred Breadstreet
St. Mildred Poultry
New Chapel in Chapel Street
Newgate Chapel
St. Nicholas Coleabby
Noble Street Chapel
St. Olave Hart street
St. Olave Jewry
St. Olave in Southwark
Palmer's Almshouses Chapel
St. Paul's Cathedral
St. Paul at Shadwell
Pesthouse Chapel
St. Peter Cornhill
St. Peter's Chapel
St. Peter Poor in Broad Street
St Peter's parochial Church
St Peter's Cathedral
Poplar Chapel
Poultry Comptor Chapel
Queen's Square Chapel
Queen street Chapel
Rolls Chapel in Chancery Lane
Russel Court Chapel
St. Saviour in Southwark
St. Sepulchres in Snowhill
Sergeants Inn Chapel in Chancery Lane
Sergeants Inn Chapel in Fleetstreet
Skinners Almshouses Chapel
Somerset House Chapel
Spring Garden Chapel
St. Stephen's Chapel
St. Stephen Coleman Street
St. Stephen in Walbrook
Stratford le Bow
St. Swithin in Swithin's Lane
Tabernacle in Petticoat Lane
Tabernacle in St. Martin's Churchyard
Tabernacle in White Lion Yard
Temple Church
St. Thomas's Church, Southwark
St. Thomas's Hospital Chapel in Southwark
Trinity Almshouses Chapel
Trinity Chapel in Bond Street
Trinity in the Little Minories
St. Vedast, alias Foster, in Foster Lane
Vintners Almshouse Chapel
Whitehall Chapel
Woodstreet Comptor Chapel