The Admiralty
The Albany, Piccadilly
Albany Cottage, Regent's Park
Apothecaries' Hall, Blackfriars
Apsley House
Arno's Grove
Arthur's Club House, St. James's St.
Barber Surgeon's Hall, Monkwell Street
Barnard's Inn Hall
House of Mr. Barry, Castle St. Oxford Road
St. Bartholomew's Hospital
Bethlehem Hospital
New Bethlem Hospital
Bedford House
Mr. Bere's House, Ratcliffe
Sir Gregory Page, Blackheath, Kent
The Blind Asylum, Southwark
Asylum for the Indigent Blind
Town Hall, Borough
Brewers' Hall
British Museum
British Museum
The Old Bull & Bush Inn
Bullocks Museum
Earl of Burlington, seat
Bush Hill, Seat of Willm. Mellish
The New Caledonian Asylum
Seat of R. Owen Cambridge, Twickenham
Cannonbury House
The Manor House, Canonbury, Middlesex
Cane Wood House, Middlesex
Carlton House Terrace
Carpenter's Hall, London Walk
Castle Hill Lodge, Middlesex
Lord Cathcart's House, Middlesex
Duke of Chando's seat
Old Porch, Charter House
Manor House, Charlton
King Charles's Day, Chelsea Hospital
Child's Hill House, Hampstead
Chinese Pagoda & Bridge
Chiswick House, Middlesex
The New Hall, Christ's Hospital
Christ's Hospital, Newgate Street
Clayberry Hall
Clifford's Inn Hall, Fleet Street
Cloth Worker's Hall
Coal Exchange, Thames Street
College/Church Missionary Society
Compter, Giltspur Street
Coopers' Hall, Basinghall Street
Copenhagen House, Islington
Corn Exchange
Cordwainer's Hall, Distaff Lane
Clothworker's Hall
Crosby Hall, Bishopsgate St.
Remains of Crosby Hall, Bishopsgate Street
Crosby Hall interior
Devonshire House
Drapers' Hall, Throgmorton St.
Dukes Place
Dyer's Hall, College Street
East India House
Ely House (1)
Ely House (2)
Excise Office, Broad Street
Fairfax House, Putney
Asylum for Female Orphans,Westminster (1)
Asylum for Female Orphans, Westminster (2)
Fishmonger's Hall, Thames Street
Fleet Ditch
The Fortune Playhouse
Foundling Hospital, Guildford Street
Friern House
Gerard's Hall, Cheapside
Girdler's Hall, Basinghall Street
Goldsmith's Hall, Foster Lane
Gray's Inn Hall, Chapel, and Library
Grocers' Hall, Poultry
Gunnersbury House
The Guild-Hall
Haberdasher's Alms Houses, Hoxton
Haberdasher's Hall, Maiden Lane
Hanover Lodge, Regent's Park
Herald's College, Bennet's Hill
Highbury College
Highfield, Camden Road
Innholder's Hall, College Street
Ironmongers' Hall, Fenchurch Street
Italian Opera House
Italian Opera House, Haymarket
St. James's Bazaar
St. James's Palace
St. John's Gate
Ben Johnson's Head, Strand
King's Bench Prison
King's Weigh House, Little East Cheap
Watering house, Knightsbridge
No.102, Leadenhall Street, Photograph
Villa of Dr. Lettsom, Camberwell
Lincoln's Inn Hall, Chapel
Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre
Lock Hospital,Hyde Park Corner
London Horse & Carriage Respository
The London Institution, Finsbury Circus
London Hospital
London Ophthalmic Infirmary
London Orphan Asylum, Hackney
The London University
Old House, London Wall
Lunatic Hospital, St. Luke's
Lying-In Hospital, City
Lyon's Inn Hall
The Mansion House
Marble Hall, Middlesex
Mercer's Hall, Cheapside
Merchant Taylor's Hall
Merchant Taylors' School
Middle Temple Hall
Middlesex Hospital
The Mint, Tower Hill
General Monks House
The Monument
Monmouth House
Montagu House, Whitehall
Elevation of Northumberland House
Northumberland House
Staircase in Northumberland House
Newgate, Old Bailey
Moor Park, Rickmansworth
Olympic Theatre
New Houses of Parliament
Prerogative Will Office
Sir Paul Pindar's House
St. Paul's School
Painter Stainer's Hall
Pall Mall
The New Library, & Parliament Chambers
Penitentiary, Millbank
Pensioner's Hall, Charter House
Physician's College, Warwick Lane
College of Physicians, Pall Mall
Plumstead Marshes
Mr. Pope's house, Twickenham
New Post Office
Ranelagh Gardens, Rotunda
Residence / H. Taylor, Regent's Park
Religious Tract Society
Roehampton Priory
Royal Exchange, Cornhill
The Royal Exchange, Interior
The Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House
Royal Military Academy, Woolwich
Royal York Baths, Regent's Park
Russell Institution
Sadler's Hall, Cheapside
Salters Hall
Serjeant's Inn Hall, Chancery Hall
Sessions House, Clerkenwell Green
Shaftesbury House, Aldersgate St.
Sion House
Skinners' Hall, Dowgate Hill
Smithfield Market
Somerset House (1)
Somerset House (2)
Southampton House, Holborn
Temple of Concord
Old House, West Smithfield
South Sea House, Threadneedle St.
Spanish Ambassadors House, Manchester House
Stanmore House, Middlesex
Staples Inn, Holborn
Stationers Hall
Stock Exchange
Lord Stormont's House, Wandsworth
Talbot Inn
Temple of the Muses
Theatre Royal, Covent Garden
St. Thomas' Hospital
Mr. Alderman Townsend
Tower of London (1)
Tower of London (2)
Trent House, Middlesex
Trinity House
New United Service Club House
Licensed Victuallers School, Kennington
Vintner's Hall, Upp. Thames Street
Ward's House, Hackney
Waterman's Hall
Westminster Clock Tower
Westminster Hall
Winchester House, Winchester Street
Wittington's College, College Hill
Whittingtons Alms Houses
York House, St. James's Park
The Duke of Yorks Column
See also:
London Churches, C.1830
Prints: London Interiors